Reflection on Semester 1

At the beginning of semester one I was very apprehensive about starting university and didn’t know what to expect. I was especially nervous about the Working Together module as 50% of the assessment was a group presentation and I was worried that there may be clashes or I may not get along with everyone. My nerves, however, had calmed after our first group session as I realised everyone was in the same boat as I was. I was rather sceptical at the beginning of this module as it wasn’t specific to Primary Education therefore I didn’t know how the theories I was being taught were going to develop my practice as a teacher. However, after our agency visit and creating our presentation I realised how the theories could be applied to all of the three professions and that they were in fact extremely relevant to professional practice.

In terms of our workload last semester I now realise how naïve I was in terms of underestimating how much work was required. I was extremely nervous about writing my first essay as I had never done anything in this format before. I now realise the importance of keeping up to date with reading and additional tasks and how much it helps with academic essays and I feel if I had engaged more with the reading list I would’ve produced a better essay. Also, after receiving our grades for last semester I have taken on board all the feedback I was given that will help me in the future and I now have a better grasp on how to approach writing academic essays.

My semester one at the university has, overall, been very positive. I have made some great new friends that I know will be able to support me over the next four years and I look forward to completing my first placement in semester two.