Throughout this lecture, I began to understand the different between inclusion and equality. I had always thought they were one in the same however there is actually a big difference between the two concepts, even though they are interconnected. Inclusion is an antidote to exclusion and applies to those who have been discriminated against due to uncontrollable factors. By not promoting inclusion, people become oppressed and disadvantafed. Equality on the other hand, is about giving everyone equal access to opportunities and ensuring there is the same outcome for everyone. There are a number of different layers to equality. In order to understand why inequality and discrimination occur, analysing how they operate at the personal, cultural and structural level is important. At the personal level, it is all about the individual and their thoughts and feelings which are shaped by our experiences. At the cultural level, it relates to what is seen as right and what is seen as normal. Finally, at the structural level, it relates to how oppression and discrimination has been ‘sewn in’ to society.
There have been policies put into place to ensure that inclusion and equality become the norm. The Equality Act 2010 came into force to protect individuals and provide everyone with equal opportunities as well as promoting a more fair and equal society.