Fair trade fortnight

Fair trade fortnight runs now until  13th March, promoting products that help producers in developing countries to improve their lives.

Aberlour’s Fairtrade group held a Big Fairtrade Breakfast on Saturday to promote the event, and P3 produced posters to promote it.

The posters impressed the group so much that they decided to award prizes!

1st prize (and a bag of chocolate eggs) went to Ben, Aaron and Alfie.


2nd place was taken by Kate and Elizabeth.


Very fairly, 3rd prize went to every one else – even Mr Kearton managed to sneak an egg!

Leap forward

Primary 3 have put the full range of their talents on show since February break, with a great variety of achievements to point towards.

We started by finishing off our topic on electricity – by constructing a burglar alarm to connect to protect our castles from intruders.

Work in progress…

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An end result…

alarm1 alarm2

In topic work, we have moved on to look at Scottish birds of prey, working hard to create these wonderful torn paper collages.

Aaron & Ben Neve Isla Owen P2290080 Charlie Elizabeth & Kate Connor, Alfie M & Dylan Kirsty & Alfie P2290087 P2290086 Becky

We also honed our reading or information skills – by being aware of the keywords we needed, we were able to work with some complicated and pull out facts that we needed. Good work, P3!

leaflets leaflet3 leaflet2

Whirry Bang

As P3 have become familiar with the Hamish McHaggis stories this term, we couldn’t help but notice how often the Whirry Bang is beset with problems. This inspired us to create a new form of transport for Hamish and friends.

We first thought of the key comforts and conveniences he would need in his new vehicle, and sketched our ideas thinking of the 3D shapes we would need to construct it.

With the chassis now cut and constructed out of wood, today should see us fit axles and wheels. Can’t wait to see how the Body Works turns out!

The pressure is on to finish our designs in time for the spring show next week. Watch this space!


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Primary 3 visited  Aberlour distillery on Monday afternoon to find out about one of our local ‘landmarks’.

We heard many interesting facts about our local whisky.
For example, did you know that Aberlour is the most popular whisky bought in France?

Later in the week, we read up on other local landmarks and attractions, and looked more broadly across Scotland.

Do you recognise the famous places in this slideshow?


P3 are a very worldly wise bunch – and could claim at least one visit to nearly  every one!

Our project-based story this week took us to another well-know landmark – Edinburgh Castle. P3 were quite captivated by this glimpse of the tattoo, and may be interested in watching further at home.


Inspired by all this variety, both locally and nationally, P3 have begun designing a new landmark for Aberlour…