Dry dens

Primary three put their heads together after assembly today to think about the highlights of this short week. We felt that our outdoor learning was the single most memorable activity; this is what the children had to say….

On Wednesday, Primary three and Primary two went to the woods – Connor.

We were going to build some dens – Hannah.

Our dens was under an old fallen tree – Charlie.

We found sticks in the woods – Elizabeth.

We patched up some old, not-waterproof dens, using sticks and leaves – Dylan.

We made a big den and used moss to keep it waterproof. My dad said we should call ourselves TeamStick! – Kirsty.

We picked up moss and put them in our den to make a comfy floor – Owen.

We worked as a team to pull out some sticks that were stuck in the grass – Maddison.

PB180090IMG_3316PB180096PB180092PB180095PB180094Back in the classroom, P3 brainstormed ideas for an acrostic poem on “The Woods,” and created this masterpiece in no time at all!



Remembrance Day

One of our quiet times this week came on Remembrance Day.

P3 tried to get a feel for the enormous numbers of people killed or injured in World War I and learned about how the ‘Great War’ was even more terrible than earlier wars.

Later in the week we made poppies and talked about how they are a symbol for remembering people affected in all wars since.


Out and about

The sun was far away when we went down to the Spey this week – many thanks for helping the children get properly organised with boots and waterproofs!

In our first session out, we focused on our senses – hearing, sight and sound.

With a partner,  the children found ‘quiet spots’ to help tune into the area.

silent spots

Working together, we looked closely at shades of colour, finding and matching samples from the leaves and trees that we will use back in class.



And lastly, we created our own bird calls with a partner to see if they helped us find each other in the fog! We transformed Spey Park from a quiet place into a rainforest of sounds – as you can hear in this clip…

Wellies and warm socks next week again, please, for a visit around the Lynn Falls.