Category Archives: Secondary

What’s going on at the Tron?

After our summer break all skillshops classes resumed. The P1-P3 class became roving reporters investigating local news. The P4-P7 and S1-S2 classes eased there way back in with ice breakers and improvisations and the S3-S6 class started exploring ensemble working.

Our P4-P7, S1-S2 and S3-S6 classes will work on a term of skills before setting their sights on a performance project which will happen in April and June in our main auditorium.

Places are still available in our P1-P3, P4-P7 and S1-S2 classes should anyone want to join. For further information please contact Deborah on or call box office on 0141 552 4267

Tron is going greener…
The Tron Theatre prides itself on our environmental policy and way we can we try to be greener. That is why we are urging teachers to join our Emailing list. This will not only make sure information is delivered straight to your inbox so you don’t miss out on any opportunities but you will also be doing your bit for the environment – doesn’t that make you feel good?
E-mail with ‘schools email list’ in the subject bar

The Incredible Adventures of See Thru Sam –
Don’t miss out on our Glow Meet on Wednesday 12th September 2pm. This Glow Meet gives audiences the opportunity to have a sneak peek into the rehearsal room of Random Accomplice as they work on See Thru Sam which opens at the Tron Theatre on Thursday 20th September.

Autumn at the Tron

The Tron Theatre and Tron Participation have an exciting programme of work coming up this Autumn. It all kicks off with ‘The Incredible Adventures of See Thru Sam’ by Random Accomplice Tuesday 25th – Sat 29th September. This show is suitable for 14yrs+ and resources linked to the show are available on the Tron Participation Glow area.

We then host Catherine Wheels ‘The Ballad of Pondlife McGurk’ Wednesday 24th-Saturday 27th October. This show is suitable for audiences 9yrs+

School groups are welcome and for every 10 tickets booked you receive 1 free ticket. To book your group to any of the above shows call our box office on 0141 552 4267.

Our Skillshops classes kick off in September and bookings for these classes is now open.

P1-P3 class Saturdays 11am-12noon
P4-P7 class Saturdays 12noon-2pm
S1-S2 class Saturdays 2.30pm-4.30pm
S3-S6 class Mondays 6.30pm-8.30pm

Our P4-P7, S1-S2 and S3-S6 groups will each be putting on a performance at the Tron Theatre in 2013. If you wish to find out more about our classes go to

The Tron Participation Autumn newsletter is now available, you can find it on the Tron Participation Glow area notice board. We will also be mailing it out to schools. If you are not on our schools mailing list but wish to be please email

The Incredible Adventures of See Thru Sam

Random Accomplice have created a dedicated site for their Autumn show. You can find the link on the Tron Participation Glow group on our Visiting Companies page.

Tron Participation is really excited about this performance and urge everyone to get a ticket.
Tuesday 25th – Saturday 29th September
Resources linked to the show can also be found on our Glow page.

100days till ‘The Incredible Adventures of See Thru Sam’ opens at the Tron Theatre

Random Accomplice open ‘The Incredible Adventures of See Thru Sam’ in exactly 100days and to kick off the count down Random Accomplice have released page one of their Superhero comic book. Find it on our Visiting Companies page within the Tron Participation Glow group.

Also we have an exciting opportunity for schools. The first two schools to book a group to come and see the production at the Tron Theatre will receive a free post show workshop in your school from Random Accomplice. To be in with a chance of this you must quote ‘Glow’ when booking…….Don’t delay get booking today!!!!

Random Accomplice ‘See Thru Sam’

Random Accomplice are bringing their new production of ‘See Thru Sam’ to the Tron Theatre this Autumn. Tron Participation have already started engaging with the company to bring you some exciting opportunities.

To wet your appetite we have an interview with the writer and director of the piece Johnny McKnight. This video can be found within our Visiting Companies Wiki on our Glow page.

We will have many exciting ways to engage with Random Accomplice and ‘See Thru Sam’. Keep checking our Glow page for further details – Don’t Miss Out!

Get involved, Get debating!

Ankur Debates
Changing House, Tron Theatre, Glasgow
Friday 18th May 2012, 7.30pm

The format
Ankur Debates invites a range of speakers to address a specific question. Following the presentations the audience get their say, breaking into small, facilitated groups to examine the question, respond to the presenters and put across different points of view. Working together we will identify what steps we can take to start our own revolutions.

For further information go to our Visiting Companies page on Glow.

Sound like your thing? Call Tron Theatre box office on 0141 552 4267 or book a ticket via
Please note there is a 50p booking fee online, but no booking fee by phone.

Ankur are also looking for volunteers –
Ankur is looking for a team of volunteers to help facilitate a new debate series.
Volunteers will be interested in working with people, confident communicators

Throughout the year, Ankur Debates will invite a diverse range of speakers to
discuss a series of questions. The first debate is part of the Mayfesto programme
on Friday 18th May at Tron Theatre Glasgow. The question is What kind of
revolution does Glasgow want?

The format of the debates involves a series of presentations followed by the
audience breaking up into groups to discuss the issue. These small group
discussions are facilitated by volunteers.

Volunteers should be interested in working with people and confident
communicators. Training will be provided and Ankur will cover local travel expenses by public transport.

Volunteers need to be available on Friday 18th May:
Training – 5.00 – 6.30pm.
Event – 7.00pm – 9.30pm

What next?
If you are interested in volunteering please send a paragraph about yourself and
why you are interested to

Lady M

Theatre Jezebel return to the Tron Theatre this spring with an interesting adaptation.
In Lady M, Theatre Jezebel explores the relationship between Shakespeare’s iconic power couple. Lady Macbeth: cold, irreligious, manipulative and demonic or charming, attractive,ambitious and devoted to her husband? The three weird sisters: who are they and what part do they play in the demise of Lady M?

‘ ’Hie thee hither,
That I may pour my spirits in thine ear;
And chastise with the valour of my tongue
All that impedes thee from the golden round,
Which fate and metaphysical aid doth seem
To have thee crown’d withal.’
Lady M – a passionate, loving wife or avirago – a masculine soul inhabiting a female body?

WED 25 – SAT 28 APRIL 7.45PM
WED + THU / SAT MAT £12 (£7)
FRI + SAT £15 (£12)


Plume by J.C Marshall opens at the Tron on Thursday 1st March at 7.45pm. This production came out of the Open.Stage playwriting competiton held in 2009/2010. Why not head onto the Visitng Companies area on the Tron Participation Glow page to find out more. We even have a writing task for all you budding playwrights out there!!

Ankur Productions in a co-production with the Tron Theatre present Mwana

Mwanawashe is a salad boy: neither Western or African, he is a young Zimbabwean educated in Glasgow, conflicted between his love for the West and the traditional values and expectations of this heritage.

Mwana is a coming-of-age story which explores family, race, tradition and secrets using spoken word, film and sound design.

If you are interested in seeing Mwana call the Tron box office on 0141 552 4267 or alternatively engage with the show via the Tron Participations Visiting Companies Glow area. We have uploaded some resources created by Ankur.

The show runs from Tuesday 14th-16th Feb. Further information can be obtained from the Tron website on

Glow Meet Success

After a fantastic run of ‘Mister Merlin’ and ‘The Night After Christmas’ Tron Participation are back in the office and raring to go for the coming season.

We would like to highlight the success of our Glow Meet which happened on Wednesday 21st December. Over 2000 pupils from all over Scotland logged in and met our Panto characters; Penny, Peter and the Great Bahooky. We thank everyone for logging in and making it an enjoyable afternoon. Look out for our next Glow Meet on Wednesday 1st February at 2pm as part of ‘World of Work Wednesdays’, don’t miss out on the opportunity to speak with professionals about their jobs within the theatre industry.

We will also be expanding our Glow area so look out in the coming months for new and exciting things to come from Tron Participation