Welcome to our e-bulletin for sciences, technologies, engineering and maths (STEM). Please forward to those who may be interested.
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* Nominations are now open for the STEM and Learning Through Technology categories of the Scottish Education Awards
• Register for Assessment in the Sciences twilight events
• Assessment in the Sciences Glow Meet – see the presentation slides
• Explore our new Giant Panda website
• Updated Higher resource guides for Human Biology, Biology, Physics and Chemistry• Latest cross authority writing group materials available on #glowsciences
• Take part in the Our Environment competition
• Look out for the Technologies Impact Review – publish date 4 February
• Learning Together Hub – Raspberry Pi network on Glow
• BGE and Senior Phase computing science materials
Numeracy and Mathematics
• Annotated assessment exemplars for numeracy and mathematics
• Professional learning resources on numeracy now available
Did you know…….?
There are 25,000 modern apprenticeships available in Scotland this year including those for life sciences.
Professional learning
• How do young people perceive STEM careers – Book of Insights
• STEM: Barriers to Learning – Institute of Engineering and Technology
We’ve got loads more news to share! See our STEM blog for the latest updates.
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