On Thursday 13 May Education Scotland and SQA will host an online briefing session for FE/HE admissions tutors regarding the new SQA Higher Applications of Mathematics qualification.
The new Higher will provide progression from National 5 Applications of Mathematics which has been growing in popularity since it was introduced a few years ago. The Applications of Mathematics qualification provides learners with knowledge and understanding in statistics & probability, mathematical modelling, managing finances and planning & decision making in real-life contexts. It also supports learners to use digital technology within Mathematics.
This new qualification is being introduced in academic session 2021-22 and will be of interest to a wide range of FE/HE departments where statistics and/or finance are core components. This includes STEM subjects but also a wide range of other courses including business, psychology, economics, medicine and healthcare etc.
The webinar for FE/HE admissions tutors will take place from 16:00 to 17:00 on Thursday 13 May 2021.
In the webinar, SQA colleagues will provide an overview of the content and skills that will be developed through the new Higher Applications of Mathematics qualifications. Education Scotland will also explain how the new qualification is likely to be introduced within schools. Participants will also be provided with the opportunity for discussion and questions around the implications for admissions to FE/HE courses.
To register for the event, please visit: https://forms.office.com/r/ag5PfnezdE
If you have any questions prior to the event then please email: mathematics@educationscotland.gov.scot