We want to hear from girls in secondary school – What would make you interested in STEM?
Equate Scotland is the national organisation working to increase the number of girls and women studying and working in STEM. As part of their work they are completing a national piece of research on what girls in secondary school want to see in STEM over the next 10 years and what would get them more interested in science, technologies etc.
Equate are hoping to get as many responses as possible from teachers, pupils, and other education providers to help inform future projects in schools and workplaces across Scotland. If you could spend a few minutes completing this survey, and share it with your networks, it would be appreciated.
Please find the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/STEM10years
Equate Scotland would really appreciate it if you could send this round to girls in S1- S6 to complete. Their responses will be anonymous and will be included in the final report launched at the Scottish Parliament later this year.
To find out more about the work of Equate Scotland see their website at http://www.equatescotland.org.uk/