Delegates attending our second conversation day at Bishopbriggs Academy identified four priority theme for sciences:
- Equity in education – science for all
- The importance of planning across school clusters
- Career long professional learning and support for practitioners
- Partnerships
Education Scotland is keen to hear your views regarding the third priority which addressed career long professional learning and support for practitioners.
Delegates viewed that:
- More emphasis needs to be placed on recognition of lifelong learning for all practitioners:
- Need to provide support from FE, HE and industry
- There should be a clear opportunity for teachers to extend learning to master’s-level
- Drawing together of HE and other organisations to facilitate a move towards accreditation.
- Specialist support for teachers may be of benefit – potentially in the form of a visiting specialist. Children age 9 + would be appropriate target audience.
- There is often an artificial connection between formal and informal science education – and a recognition that the structured/rigid way which science is taught in secondary schools needs to change to reflect the realities of the wider world.
- Promoting science in the classroom is not solely about teaching resources – teaching method (pedagogy) and leadership are key to success:
- Need to ensure that there is a focus on STEM skills, rather than just content
- Role of interdisciplinary learning is important – Bishopbriggs Academy has been undertaking an interdisciplinary project on the Commonwealth Games which connected with science learning.
- Initial Teacher Education has to recognise importance of STEM specialism – primary schools need access to teacher specialism
- Important to influence the work of the National Implementation Board to ensure needs of education system in relation to sciences are met
- Need to ensure that newly qualified teachers (NQTs) have appropriate level of support to ensure their practice aligns to principles of CfE
- Teacher support in sciences:
- How does a leader create an environment for a practitioner to thrive?
- Need to involve learners in prioritising improvements
- We need to move away from tick box approach in identifying outcomes.
- Practitioners in primary schools are mostly not science graduates but the question was raised whether practitioners need a science background to be able to teach science effectively?
- CLPL in science needs to be targeted at all staff – not single practitioners.
Education Scotland is keen to hear your views. Click on the title of this blog post to leave a comment.