To add a post to this blog:
- Click here to make a post.
- (It may ask you to log into Glow)
- This will bring you to the add new post area.
- Give your post a title and add your text.
- On the right handside you can add you own tags (key words) by tping in the word under post tags and selecting add.
- Select the relevant categories by ticking the boxes under categories.
Adding an image:
Compressing your Image
- If you want to add a picture click it is best to compress the picture first as pictures take up a lot of storage room.
- On your image, right click and select open with, Microsoft Office Picture Manager
- Click on edit pictures on the top toolbar
- Click on Compress Pictures
- Select Web pages and ok
- Save your picture
Add your image to your post
- Click on the star beside add media and browse and select your picture
- Choose the position/alignment of image
- Click Insert into Post
- To view your post before you publish click on Preview.
Publishing your Post:
- To publish your post to the blog click on Publish.
- To view the blog click on Visit Site at the top of the page.