A team of North Ayrshire Council apprentices has been recognised for their work to promote internet safety to local schoolchildren.
Danielle Took, Bernard Mullin, Stephanie McCrae and Ashley Todd have been working with the Council’s Youth Services Team for the last 18 months.
The team scooped the Award for Innovation at the annual Modern Apprenticeship Challenge recently.
The four young apprentices created a fun interactive presentation to promote safe internet use and how to protect personal information while on-line, which was delivered to youngsters across North Ayrshire.
Morag Gemmell, Community Education Worker for North Ayrshire Council, manages the apprentices. She said: “The Council’s modern apprentices were given information last year about the modern apprenticeship challenge and quickly came up with the idea of promoting internet safety.
“Working with the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre, the apprentices came up with the idea of providing tips and advice at a series of special assemblies at Auchenharvie learning community in Stevenston.
“We are delighted to see their hard work and enthusiasm pay off.”
The Modern Apprenticeship Challenge, hosted by Ayrshire Business in the Community, Skills Development Scotland and Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce, aims to develop and strengthen links between Ayrshire businesses and communities.
A special award ceremony was held to recognise the work of apprentices throughout Ayrshire at the Park Hotel in Kilmarnock on June 7.