A chàirdean chòire,
Tha bileag co-cheangailte le fiosrachadh mu na seirbheisean a dh’fhaodadh Fèisgoil a thabhann dhuibh. Ma tha tuilleadh fiosrachaidh a dhìth oirbh, no nam bu mhiann leibh còmhradh mu phrògram no pròiseact, bhitheamaid gu math toilichte cluinntinn bhuaibh.
Attached is a leaflet outlining some of the services Fèisgoil can offer. We would be very happy to hear from you should you require further information, of if you would like to discuss a project or programme that we could deliver for you.
Fèisgoil can help deliver your objectives whether you are involved in 1+2 Language Learning and wish to include Gaelic, or whether you wish to enhance your GLPS provision. If you have measures to deliver within a Gaelic Language Plan or if you want to expand traditional music provision, we would be happy to discuss your requirements and the costs of bespoke delivery.
Leis gach deagh dhùrachd
Arthur Cormack
Arthur Cormack
Fèisean nan Gàidheal
Taigh a’ Mhill | Port Rìgh | An t-Eilean Sgitheanach | IV51 9BZ
Meall House | Portree | Isle of Skye | IV51 9BZ
Fòn 01478 613355 | Facs 01478 613399 | Dìreach 01478 614002 | Fòn-làimhe 07702 674143 | Skype acormack | Facebook https://www.facebook.com/feisean | Twitter @fngaidheal