“Be on a T” or “Design a Front Cover” Competitions – Aberdeen/Aberdeenshire

The “Be on a T” competition is aimed at children of secondary school age (12-17) and is looking for an amazing design to feature on this summers t-shirt. These t-shirts will be worn by over 1000 volunteers and 80 staff, throughout the festival, and seen by many more. Not only will the winner have their name and design seen all over, they will also receive £100 of vouchers to use during the festival AND £100 cash, which is so generously being donated by one of our sponsors.

The “Design a Front Cover” competition was hugely successful last year and in it’s second year it is being extended out to community centres, Scout groups and local youth clubs. This one is for those of Primary school age and requires them to design the front cover for our 2013 brochure. 50,000 of these brochures will be printed with the winners cover on every one. On top of that the winner will receive £100 of vouchers to use at the festival, a trip to Edinburgh to visit with a top design company AND £400 for their school or group, to purchase art supplies.

Full guidelines can be sent on request.

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