Scottish physics teachers wanted to work with CERN laboratory

Education Scotland is inviting applications from secondary physics teachers for a two-week placement at CERN in November 2012.

The placement has been arranged in collaboration with education and scientific staff at CERN, and is funded by the Scottish Government.

We are seeking two teachers who will work together to develop material and approaches to support the teaching of physics in the sciences curriculum area.

The Jolomo Schools Painting Award

The Jolomo Schools Painting Award sponsored by Bank of Scotland will be run for the first time in school year 2012-13.  Students from the senior phase at all Scottish secondary schools are invited to take part in the inaugural schools painting award.  Students are asked to paint and submit their interpretation of the Scottish landscape.  The winner will receive £500, with an additional £500 going to the winning schools Art Department.  The winner will also have the opportunity to be mentored by the artist John Lowrie Morrison (Jolomo).  More information can be found by clicking on ‘How to enter’ on the home page of The Jolomo Foundation website:

National Creative Learning Network at SLF 2012 – full programme

The National Creative Learning Network (NCLN) is a community of practice which has a leadership role in championing and advocating creativity in both formal and informal learning contexts. The Network is well represented at this year’s SLF, with members from local authorities across Scotland leading workshops and seminars throughout the two days of the festival.

Seminar Programme

Find out about the benefits of being involved in a Creative Learning Network at Fife’s CLN Showcase seminar, or find out what being creative means to Edinburgh’s young apprentices.

  • Creative Learners, Creative Thinkers, Creative Careers (Edinburgh)
  • Showcasing Fife’s Creative Learning Network (Fife)
  • What’s the Past got to do with us? (Aberdeenshire)

Visit the SLF website to view the full seminar programme

Education Showcase

The Showcase programme features demonstrations, experiments, drama and music making with NCLN contributions from a number of authorities:

  • Arts and Culture as a Catalyst for Learning: The Aberdeen Arts Across Learning Festival (Aberdeen City)
  • Inspiring Creativity, Highland’s Creativity Conference (Highland)
  • Supporting Drama through Literacy – Learners with Mild to Severe and Complex Needs (Dumfries & Galloway)
  • Challenging Creativity Creatively (Edinburgh)
  • The Big Drum Experiment (Scottish Borders)
  • Little Rabbit: drama for early years (Angus)
  • Teachers Realising their Creative Potential (Aberdeen City)
  • Write a Song in 30 Minutes (Stirling)

To view the full Education Showcase programme click here

The NCLN consists of the the group of coordinators who lead each local authority’s Creative Learning Network. Visit the Creativity Portal to find out who your local Creative Learning Network contact is:

Find out more about the Creative Learning Networks by watching one of the short films on the Creativity Portal:

All Subject Inter-disciplinary project brings Chinese Orchestra of Peking University to Kilmarnock

Silk Road from Peking… to Kilmarnock

Grange Academy reverberated to the unearthly sounds of the erhu recently, as the world-renowned Chinese Orchestra of Peking University delighted youngsters with its first ever performance outside China.

Eminent composer Professor Nigel Osborne – who has shared a stage with Barack Obama in his time – said hearing the orchestra perform a Chinese song written by Annanhill pupils was “one of the most exciting moments of my career” – and a “world first”.

Professor Osborne was visiting Grange Campus to see youngsters work with the Chinese musicians.

The 70 players of traditional instruments such as Chinese bamboo flutes, erhu (a two-stringed Chinese violin), pipa (lute) and yangqin (Chinese dulcimer) played music from all regions and traditions of China, as well as new compositions in Chinese classical style.

The musicians themselves are the elite of a new generation of young people at China’s leading university, studying a wide range of subjects from the sciences and humanities to new technologies, law and medicine.

Professor Osborne said they were “the smartest of a country of hundreds of millions, to get into this high-flying group at Peking University” – the future top politicians, business leaders and scientists of China.

Their performance thrilled pupils from Annanhill Primary, Park School and Grange Academy, who joined the orchestra to play melodies on metallophones and to sing in Mandarin Chinese.

The prestigious cultural visit was designed to boost Grange Academy’s huge Silk Road project, an innovative educational programme relating to pathways of commerce, thought and knowledge stretching from China to Scotland.

The project involves all school subject areas in studying the historical trade routes that criss-crossed Eurasia for 2,000 years. Silk travelled from China to Scotland, but so also did cultural, scientific, mathematical and religious ideas.

By following the silk route, the school touches on many areas of interest, using music as an entry point to learning in the arts, sciences and social subjects.

The orchestra’s visit celebrates strong emerging links between China and Scotland.

Professor Osborne said: “Grange Campus has made a fantastic contribution to learning and teaching. These young Scottish pupils have composed authentic Chinese songs which have been played by a top Chinese orchestra – a world first!”

Grange Academy Headteacher Fred Wildridge said: “This was the elite orchestra’s first major visit abroad and we were proud that they chose to come to Scotland and indeed Kilmarnock.

“The stunning performance fitted well with our Chinese language programme in school and linked also to our Silk Road project”.

Councillor Stephanie Primrose, Spokesperson for Lifelong Learning, said: “The spectacular show was a real treat for the young people, bringing vividly to life the culture and language of China.

“The visit to Grange Academy – where global citizenship is high on the agenda – also provided a wonderful opportunity for pupils to meet the young Chinese performers face to face”.

As part of the Silk Road project, 1,000 pupils from Grange and two other schools in the project are due to perform in a mass concert in Glasgow’s Royal Concert Hall in November 2012.

National Creative Learning Network at SLF 2012 #slf12

The National Creative Learning Network (NCLN) is a community of practice which has a leadership role in championing and advocating creativity in both formal and informal learning contexts. The Network is well represented at this year’s SLF, with members from local authorities across Scotland leading workshops and seminars throughout the two days of the festival.

Seminar Programme: Find out about the benefits of being involved in a Creative Learning Network at Fife’s CLN Showcase seminar. Or, find out what being creative means to Edinburgh’s young apprentices in the Creative Learners, Creative Thinkers, Creative Careers session. Visit the SLF website to view the full seminar programme.

Education Showcase: The Showcase programme features demonstrations, experiments, drama and music making with NCLN contributions from a number of authorities. To view the Education Showcase programme click here.

Creative Learning Networks: The NCLN consists of the group of coordinators who lead each local authority’s Creative Learning Network. Visit the Creativity Portal to find out who your local Creative Learning Network contact is:

Find out more about the Creative Learning Networks by watching one of the short films on the Creativity Portal:

Wednesday 12th – Tron rehearsals via Glow Meet

Join Tron Participation on Wednesday 12th September at 2pm live from the Tron Theatre as we take a sneak peek into the rehearsal room with Random Accomplice as they prepare for their upcoming show ‘The Incredible Adventures of See Thru Sam’.

Our Glow Meet will allow you to see the company, meet the cast, watch some rehearsal exercises and ask questions to the creative team.

Don’t miss this rare opportunity to see one of Scotland’s most versatile and energetic companies at work.

Sign up and join us!

Early Years Network consultation – get involved

What creative activity for early years happens in your community?

Would you like more access to the arts and creativity for early years?

Would an Early Years Creative Network help?

Starcatchers is carrying out some research into the potential of an Early Years Creative Network for Scotland.

We want to hear the views of people across Scotland as part of this process – from parents, childcare professionals, artists, arts organisations, local authorities, and other local and national organisations working across different sectors with Early Years in Scotland

We would like to invite you to a consultation event to share your views. We are holding a series of events that you can attend:

Places at these events are free but must be reserved by emailing

Please pass on this invitation to anyone else you feel would be interested in attending

Glow TV Events coming up

Spotlight on Theatre – Directing and Writing for the Theatre, 11 September, 10.00 – This first session hosted at the Traverse Theatre focuses on Directing and Writing for the Theatre. As Scotland’s New Writing Theatre The Traverse prides itself on the close relationships they have with our writers. Join our Associate Director for a practical workshop that explores the relationship and journey of a playwright and director.

Spotlight on Theatre – Acting, 11 September 12.00 – This second session hosted at the Lyceum Theatre focuses on acting. Take part in an acting skills workshop with our Drama Artist and learn all about careers in Acting and the routes and courses which can lead to them. There will also be a Q and A session with a professional actor – so have your questions ready!

For full details of these and other events log in to Glow and view the current schedule:

(Glow log-in and password required).

Cultural Village – SLF 2012 – #slf12


To celebrate the Year of Creative Scotland, leading artists from all disciplines have been invited to deliver artistic engagement workshops with children at the Creative Scotland stall during the Scottish Learning Festival.

The Creative Scotland stall in hall 3 intends to engage, inspire and inform. The programme of activities demonstrates the many powerful and positive impacts of working creatively to deliver Curriculum for Excellence and offers an opportunity to discuss the work and partnerships with artists experienced in working in education.

The attached schedule details the times, dates and activities of the artists. Please drop in and see excellent artistic engagement in action.

The Scottish Learning Festival is open for visitors on Wednesday, September 19th from 9am-5pm and on Thursday, September 20th from 9am -4pm. For further details about the Scottish Learning Festival and to register, please visit

If you have any questions about the Cultural Village programme please contact Elisabeth at