The search is on for Scotland’s Favourite Place – Scottish Book Trust, BBC Scotland

Scottish Book Trust and BBC Scotland have launched an exciting new writing project to encourage people to write about the place in Scotland that they love the most.

My Favourite Place in Scotland is running from 19 March to 31 August 2012, and in that time Scottish Book Trust wants to involve everyone in Scotland in building a written picture of Scotland’s best-loved places.

Submissions should be made to Scottish Book Trust website and can be written in a huge variety of different forms, such as a story, poem, song lyrics, a short play or sketch, a letter or even diary entry.

Each submission will feature on Scottish Book Trust’s website and a selection of the most interesting and inspiring offerings will be broadcast on BBC Radio Scotland and published in a book in late 2012.

Submissions can be made online at or by post to My Favourite Place, Scottish Book Trust, Sandeman House, Trunks Close, 55 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1SR.

The closing date for entries is 31 August 2012.

For more information read Scottish Book Trust press release.

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