All posts by Dr Webster

Broken Calculator (4,5)

Good morning everyone!

First of all, thank you for all who have already sent in either their ‘Women in Mathematics Day’ posters or the answer for the weekly challenge in The Numeracy Hive! Well done! 👍👏
Today, I thought we can have a bit of a brain exercise with a Broken Calculator activity.
Try to come up with all the answers, don’t give up, use your knowledge on the four operations (adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing) and you can use BODMAS too!
Looking forward to your answers!
Have a nice day!
Dr Webster


Dear all,

During the lockdown every Wednesday and Friday ‘Glasgow Times’ newspaper publishes a range of learning activities. Last Wednesday there were Glasgow Counts activities, on Friday P.E. challenges and yesterday the focus was on Literacy.
I have uploaded here the maths activities from last week, you will see there are some Measuring, Baking and Outdoor tasks. If you have a younger or older sibling, you can have a go with him/her; choose one or two and complete them.
If you want, you can post some pictures on your Google Classroom  and I can upload them on Twitter with #KeepGlasgowCounting.

Happy Measuring and Baking!
Dr Webster

PDF version: Glasgow Counts Newspaper_22.04.2020