School Aims
We aim to promote health and well being and enable all children to develop skills as lifelong learners:
- Skills for life
- Skills for work
- Skills for learning
Learning and Teaching
- ensure children enjoy learning experiences which are inclusive, relevant and provide challenge in all aspects of learning
- promote an interdisciplinary approach taking account of pupils’ interests
- maintain a sustained focus on development of core skills in literacy and numeracy and ability to apply skills in other learning
- employ a variety of approaches to ensure pupils are motivated, actively involved in their own learning, experience high quality learning experiences and develop informed attitudes and skills for life
Partnership Working
- maintain positive partnerships with parents, parish and the local community and promote their active involvement in the life of the school
- work in partnership with other professionals, agencies and partners to meet pupils’ needs and enhance learning and teaching
- work in partnership with pupils, parents, other professionals and the community to identify and respond to the physical, social and emotional needs of our school community
Health and Wellbeing
- promote self respect, respect for others, self discipline and equality
- support children to grow in their understanding of the Catholic faith whilst continuing to develop knowledge and respect for other faiths and cultures
- maintain positive relationships within the whole school community and beyond
- present a welcoming, stimulating, nurturing and safe environment
- promote healthy lifestyles and the importance of making healthy choices
- Prepare and support children for changes and choices within education and beyond
Management, Leadership and Quality Assurance
- provide clear vision and direction which is shared by everyone within the school community
- promote shared leadership, commitment to continuous professional development and a collegiate approach
- recognise, value and develop the skills of individuals
- ensure an ongoing programme of monitoring and self evaluation leads to continuous improvement
School Priorities 2014 – 2015
Learning and Teaching
Revisit Assessment is for Learning and Higher Order Thinking skills approaches. Develop opportunities for outdoor learning. Fully implement Science and ‘This is our Faith’ RE programmes. Provide guidance and resources to deliver Social Studies and Expressive Arts in line with A Curriculum for Excellence.
Assessment and Moderation
Involve staff in working together in school and across the learning community to develop planning and moderation and create valid and reliable assessments. Ensure effective liaison at transition stages. Support staff in engaging in professional update.
Nurture and Inclusion
Continue to involve parents and pupils actively in learning and the life and work of the school. Create opportunities for parents to visit school regularly to take part in initiatives and contribute by sharing their own experiences with the children. Further develop pupil participation in pastoral care and decision making through pupil groups and class business meetings. Establish school website. Ensure parents and pupils are aware of the SHANARRI wellbeing indicators which underpin the work of the school: Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible, Included.
Learning Community Priorities
- Working across sectors within the learning Community to further improve transitions from nursery to P1 and from P7 – S1
- Working across the Learning Community on assessment and moderation activities