All posts by Mrs Quigley

School Street is a LAW

School Street is a LAW. Keep our children safe and park away from the school.

The School Street is there to protect YOUR children. Please adhere to these rules.

Do you know about your schools School Street project?

This limits school traffic outside schools at drop off and pick up times. It’s the law.

#GCCRoadSafety #SchoolStreets

PIE Census (Parental Involvement and Engagement Census)

In order to ensure that the Scottish Government and local authorities are meeting the commitments made in the National Action Plan we need to gather the opinions and feedback of parents to evaluate the progress we are making.

The parental Involvement and engagement census will help us with this evaluation, providing the information that both national and local government need to assess the progress of the work currently being undertaken and to identify areas for further improvement based on the direct feedback of parents.

To provide feedback on your child’s school, please complete the PIE Census survey


School – Car Free Zone

The taglines are:

1. Keep our School Streets clear, no school traffic allowed! #GCCRoadSafety #SchoolStreets

2. The School Street is there to keep everyone safe, please respect it! #GCCRoadSafety #SchoolStreets

3. It is against the law to drive in our School Street. Pass the sign pay the £50 fine! #GCCRoadSafety #SchoolStreets


Additional Spring Payment for Free School eligible families

Dear Parent,

The key messages are that families in receipt and still eligible for Free School Meals do not need to do anything – the money will be automatically sent to your bank account from 25 March.

Any new family who think they meet the eligibility criteria will receive the additional payment if they apply before 1 April and if their application is accepted.

The full information is published on the free school meal page on the link below.



Annual Parental Involvement and Engagement Census

The annual Parental Involvement and Engagement (PIE) census has been launched to gather the views of Glasgow’s families to help shape and influence education policy and decision making.

The Scottish Government wants to improve and increase the ways in which parents, carers and families can work with teachers and partners to support their children and young people and to increase the voice of parents and carers in leading improvements within schools.

The census is open from Monday 28 February 2022 for four weeks and we will be promoting across our schools and nurseries to encourage as many of Glasgow’s parents and carers to take part and let us know your views. 

Please click of the link below of use the QR code which will direct you to the survey:

Parental Involvement and Engagement (PIE) Census QR code

You can access the council’s PIE privacy statement here for more information Parental Involvement & Engagement Census (PIE) Privacy Statement