Our Curriculum Rationale and Plan

Our Curriculum Rationale

The structure of our curriculum provides opportunities to maximise the successes and achievements of all our learners. We Honour Jesus Christ as the Way, the Truth and the Life through a commitment to the search for wisdom in life and to the pursuit of excellence, through the development of each person’s unique God-given talents.

Our curriculum is regularly reviewed and refreshed by an informed awareness of current education thinking and evolves through on-going debate within the school community. We work well with partners to ensure creative and innovative approaches to curriculum development are encouraged and support positive outcomes for learners.

All staff are developing opportunities to develop children skills for learning, life and work in motivating contexts for learning. We pay particular attention to ensure our learners experience increasing levels of challenge as they develop skills for learning, life and work.

Our Curriculum Plan

Our curriculum can best be described as all the activities that are designed to promote the intellectual, spiritual, personal, social and physical development of our pupils.

It is divided into the following main areas:

Literacy and English Mathematics & Numeracy

Technologies Social Studies

Sciences Religious Education (RERC)

Expressive Arts Health and Wellbeing

Planning for improvement in these areas of the curriculum is detailed within the School’s Improvement Plan.



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