Welcome To St Joachim’s Primary School

Dear Parents, Carers and Pupils,

Welcome to the newly updated website for St Joachim’s Primary School.

As a Catholic school we aim to provide a secure, caring, stimulating and welcoming environment for all, in partnership with the Church, staff, pupils, parents/carers and the wider community.  Through the use of the Curriculum for Excellence our ambition is to create effective learners capable of achieving their full potential, enabling them to develop the skills and attributes of confident, successful individuals.  We aspire to instil in them the values and aims of responsible citizenship and high levels of achievement and attainment.

The teaching and support staff in St Joachim’s work as a team to support you and your child. Many activities are organised throughout the school year, giving parents the opportunity to meet and work with the staff in the school. We look forward to welcoming you as partners in your child’s education as we work towards a common goal.

We hope that the information you find on the website will be useful and keep you up to date with the life and work of the school. As the website develops we hope to provide with further links about how to support your child at school so please take the opportunity to check this site regularly.


Ms N Martin


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