Successful slime makers!!

 For a reward for reaching 1000 Dojo Points, we all made slime in class.  To make the slime, first we added PVA glue, then we added some baking soda.  Lastly, we added contact solution and stirred it all together with a ruler until the consistency got thicker.  We had the choice of adding paint and glitter to customise our slime and make it our own.  It was so much fun.  Zain said it was the best day he’s ever had at school.

We love to use our library to read for 15 minutes at the end of every day.


  Rebecca from the Scottish Refugee Council came in to talk to us about refugees and migrants.  We learned some statistics about refugees.  There are 117, 234 refugees living in the UK.  Rebecca also told us how the Scottish Refugee Council fundraise for refugees.  One of the ways was having a coffee and tea morning and she showed us tea cosies that had been knitted with the flags of countries that people have migrated from.  Iran, Iraq and Pakistan are the top 3 countries that people migrate to the UK from.

After our talk with Rebecca, we went outside and used the outdoor classroom to make mindmaps about the information Rebecca had just given us.  We are trying to come up with ideas of how we can fundraise for the Scottish Refugee Council.

Having fun and dancing for our daily 15 minutes of exercise before lunchtime.


The NSPCC came in to talk to us about internet safety.  We learned how to use the  internet safely and what to do if we ever get into a conversation with someone we don’t know.  We also learned about different types of bullying and abuse.  Cyber bullying happens all the time.


We practised our typing skills and typed up our entries for the BBC’s 500 word challenge.  We all wrote a 500 word essay that had some real stuff in it but some parts were made up from the fantasy genre.  The winner will be announced soon.

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