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Developing Our Digital Skills!

This week Primary 2 have been working with Primary 7s. Primary 7 pupils have been teaching P2 pupils how to create a pixilation video using Stop Motion. They worked collaboratively in groups to create drama scenes, take lots of pictures and turn their pictures into movies. Each group created a great video and the P2 pupils were able to talk about the new skills they have learned.

Thank you so much Primary 7 for teaching us about pixilation. We had so much fun working with you and learning from you.

Our Learning Log!

We have been learning about Enterprise. (Faiqah)

We have been learning about Employability. (Sarim)

Sometimes when you are watching something on the TV and an advert comes on then the people who are in the advert use persuasive language because they are trying to make you want to buy the thing that is showing in the advert and get more money. (Hamza)

We have learned how to make bags out of T Shirts. (Sofia) We call this up-cycling. (Sanjog)

Up-Cycling is when you have something old that you don’t want, and then you make it into something new! (Eesa)

We have been learning to round numbers to the nearest 10. (Zaid and Sanjog)

We have been learning about verbs. A verb is a word… it’s an action word! (Aisha Afzal)

We have bee learning about Magic e. (Mahrosh)

Magic e changes a letter’s sound. (Minal)

For example if cape didn’t have a magic e it would say cap…. the a sound changes to A. (Tayiba)


Have a lovely long weekend.





Hard Work!

Primary 2 have been very busy the past couple of weeks.

Primary 2 did an amazing job preparing and performing for their class Assembly. I am so proud of every single child in the class… very well done boys and girls!

Here are some things we have been learning about:

Yesterday we had our class Assembly. We had lots of Drama and lots of speaking parts to learn. (Aisha)

For our Assembly we have been learning about Fire Safety, Stranger Danger and Road Safety. (Tayiba)

This week I have been doing Drama. (Talha)

We have been learning and singing songs about Fire Safety and Road Safety. (Eesa)

We have learned about the different things that firefighters do like putting out fires and fires that spread. They rescue people if they are stuck in a fire.(Hamz)

If somebody is stuck in a river and somebody sees them they might call 999. Then the fire engine would come and the fireperson would have a black suit on and rescue them with a rope. (Sarim)

When you are in your house and you are on your laptop, phone or ipad strangers can try to speak to you and trick us so if a stranger ever tries to speak to you always tell an adult that you trust. (Sanjog)

If your clothes are ever on fire you should stop, drop and roll. (Aisha and Arzan)

If there is a fire you should call 999. (Jasim)

You should wait until cars have a red light to cross he road. You should check if cars are coming. (Adyan)

We have been learning how to round numbers to the nearest 10. We have also been practising our handwriting. (Kamran)

I have learned how to write numbers up to 100. (Aisha Hanif)

Have a lovely weekend.


Our Learning!

It has been lovely to be back in school after the snow days and we have been very busy having fun and learning new things.

We have been learning about hundreds, tens and units and we have been using them to add numbers. (Eesa)

We have been learning to count in 10s starting from different numbers. (Aiman)

We have been adding with an empty numberline. (Hashim)

We have been learning about adjectives. An adjective is a word that we use to describe things. (Zaid and Quasim)

We have been partitioning numbers. Partitioning numbers is for example when you have a number and you spilt it into two things… like the number 77 can be split into 7 tens and 7 units. (Hamza)

We used adjectives to describe the snow… For example “The snow was icy and rough!” (Eesa)

This morning we went on a trip to the Trawway. We walked there and it was tiring but we enjoyed ourselves. We saw our artwork that we created on exhibition in the gallery. We also watched a video about the Tramway rules.

Have a great weekend everyone,

From Primary 2.

Happy World Book Day!

Good morning and happy World Book Day to you all. Obviously since school is closed we cannot have our cosy book day that we planned for today. However we can reschedule this for next week and in the meantime you can visit: for some World Book Day fun and learning. Also make sure you check out our school Twitter…. there are videos from your teachers setting you snow day challenges!!


Have fun and stay safe,

Mrs Hunter-Andreuccetti ☺