Our Learning Log!

We have been learning about Enterprise. (Faiqah)

We have been learning about Employability. (Sarim)

Sometimes when you are watching something on the TV and an advert comes on then the people who are in the advert use persuasive language because they are trying to make you want to buy the thing that is showing in the advert and get more money. (Hamza)

We have learned how to make bags out of T Shirts. (Sofia) We call this up-cycling. (Sanjog)

Up-Cycling is when you have something old that you don’t want, and then you make it into something new! (Eesa)

We have been learning to round numbers to the nearest 10. (Zaid and Sanjog)

We have been learning about verbs. A verb is a word… it’s an action word! (Aisha Afzal)

We have bee learning about Magic e. (Mahrosh)

Magic e changes a letter’s sound. (Minal)

For example if cape didn’t have a magic e it would say cap…. the a sound changes to A. (Tayiba)


Have a lovely long weekend.





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