Our Wonderful Week Outdoors!

Primary 2 have had an exciting week in school and we have loved our outdoor learning week.

We were learning about plants (Sofia).

We were learning about bees and how they make honey (Minal).

We were learning about tricky words: I and to (Talha).

We were learning about birds nests and we went outside to try and find nests (Hashim).

We were learning about tricky words in our hide n seek trick word game (Sarim).

We were learning about bird feeders and we made some of our own (Zahraa).

We put out our own bird feeders to try to encourage birds to come to our school (Aiman).

We were learning about tricky words: I, do, to and be (Eesa).

The highlight of our week was having a fire outside. Everybody was so excited and P2 loved having toasted marshmallows and hot chocolate by the fire!

Thank you to all the families who came to join us on Thursday for our picnic. The boys and girls loved making fruit salad and sharing it with you!

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