Monthly Archives: January 2018

Term 3 in Primary 1

Good Afternoon!

I hope you all had lovely holidays and I would like to thank you all for the lovely gifts I received over Christmas.

This term Primary 1 are developing further skills in all areas through play activities.

In literacy, Primary 1 are using fairy tales to extend their imagination to tell, draw and write stories. Children should now be blending sounds to read and write words so encourage your child to continue this at home.

In numeracy, Primary 1 continue to count up to and down to 30 and beyond. Children are developing mental maths strategies to add and subtract in their head. They are using concrete materials to add and subtract such as pennies, counters, cubes, pasta, cars etc. Anything you have handy in the house. This term we will continue to learn about money and begin to learn more about telling the time.

In Health & Wellbeing, Primary 1 are experiencing a wide range of social, emotional and physical health lessons taught by teachers who are experts in those areas. Physical Education will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays- Please provide soft shoes and wear T-shirts to school.

Primary 1’s topic this term is Migration and we will be studying the Migration of animals so look out for some practical home learning activities.

Stay & Play will continue and we hope you will be able to continue to support your child’s learning at these sessions.

This blog will keep you updated on primary 1’s activities so look out for photographs of your child here and please leave comments.

Thank You