St Albert's Family Learning

Just another – Glasgow site

January 30, 2023
by gw13kellykatherin@glow

Events this week

Good Morning!

Apologies for the short notice however we have a very important event this week that will help you with our digital society and keeping our children safe.

Please attend if you can. 

Our Community Police Officer (Mark) will host an information sessions for all parents/carers on Digital Safety on Thursday 2nd February @ 2pm. Don’t worry if you are later, this is vital information to keep your child safe on the internet.

Again apologies for the short notice, hope you are all well.


PS Please also look at previous messages for updates on events, thank you.

Parent Council are hosting a coffee afternoon next Friday @ 1pm in room 10, this is a great way to meet new friends, Hope you can come along.

January 11, 2023
by gw13kellykatherin@glow

50th Celebration Events

Happy New Year to Everyone!

I wanted to share a few events we have coming up to celebrate St Albert’s 50th Anniversary.

Annual Art Exhibition – Wednesday 18th January @ 9.30 – 11am – This year we are focusing on everything ’50’ so be prepared for your child on the hunt for things from the past! Tea will be available from 9am in the hall before the exhibition begins.

St Albert’s 50th Celebratory Mass – Friday 20th January @ 10am in St Albert’s Church – Our whole school will visit & be involved in our Mass. All of our families & community are invited to attend.

We are 50 International Women’s Day – Ladies Lunch in hall. Wednesday 8th March from 11.30am. More details to follow.

Public & Former Pupil Exhibition with refreshments – Thursday 11th May More details to follow

70’s themed family evening – Wednesday 31st May. More details to follow.

50th Celebration School Performance – Wednesday 14th & Thursday 15th June Details to follow

Mass of Thanksgiving – Tuesday 20th June Details to follow

Please put these Important dates in your diary. Thank you!

Other items…..

I am looking for community groups, families, individuals to be involved in our school assemblies & projects within the school.

Please email me if you are interested or know someone who can share their expertise in any of the below.

School Assemblies – National Story Telling Week, Children’s Mental Health Week, International Mother Language Day, Science Week, Odd Socks Day (ASN)

Spring Fayre??

Projects – Please email the parent council for more information.
Email & Information found in our Parent Council Section of this site.

Thank you so much for your support, please email me if you have further ideas.

Karen Kelly



November 23, 2022
by gw13kellykatherin@glow


Friday 2nd December @ 2pm

Meeting for parents/carers with our Community Police Inspector  Cennydd Smith.

Inspector Smith will have an informal chat about hate crime in general, the importance of reporting it, the ways it could be reported, what happens when you report a crime and the processes they have that mean they take it very seriously.  And of course just a general chat about anything you may want to speak about.

He will also ask along the Scottish Police Muslim Association who will be able to speak about their own experiences.

This is open to all parents/carers. I hope you can make it along.

Thursday 8th December is Christmas Jumper Day..

Please hand in used Xmas jumpers from Monday for recycling. They will be displayed at front door for everyone to collect! Try not to buy new.. create one yourself or use a recycled one please!!!

Christmas Fayre on Friday 9th December @ 9.15am

Your children will inform you soon of what stall their class is running & what is needed.
Hope to see you all then!

Thank you


October 27, 2022
by gw13kellykatherin@glow

Important Information


Information from office will be shared via email (Please check your junk mail too). Texts will be sent ONLY if there are last minute changes.

Class teachers will share learning every Friday through their class blog which can be found on our school web site. You will be able to ask questions in the comment box and teachers will reply. We will no longer use Teams.

St Albert’s Primary School – Glow Blogs › stalbertsg41
There has also been a few changes in Principal Teachers and who to contact if you have any questions.

P1 Transitions, P1a, P1b, P2 & P2 from P2/3

Please contact Mrs Louisa Wynd first

Then Mr Christopher Stewart

P3 from P2/3, P3, P4 & P5 

Please contact Mrs Jennifer Armstrong first

Then Mrs Claire Rodger

P6/5. P6. P7a & P7b

Please contact Mrs Karen Kelly first

Then Mrs Clare Harker

Class 1, 2 & 3

Please contact Mr Christopher Stewart

Home Learning

Following our survey it was revealed that:

  • Spelling and jotter activities worked well & words related to current learning.
  • Numeracy workbooks were not related to learning and therefore not as useful.
  • Reading material should be available every day.

Therefore this term home learning will be:

  • Continue Spelling & jotter activities
  • Class Teachers will provide a numeracy activity related to learning each week
  • All children will have some form of reading material home daily (Please return this every day for class practise)
  • Other activity set by teacher (optional)

All folders must be returned before new homework is sent out!!!! Please return ASAP!!!


  • School uniform should be worn daily
  • PE days – These should be recorded in class blog. Infants should wear school Polo shirt with black jogging trousers/leggings & soft shoes. Middle & Upper school should bring their kit to school and change. No jewellery should be worn
  • NO FOOD CONTAINING NUTS PLEASE! There are lots of children with nut allergies. This includes chocolate spreads etc. Any food containing nuts will be removed.

Parent Council

Our parent council have a display board at the door, please have a look at the issues that they are working on right now. If you wish to contact them please email on     Our PC school blog will be available soon which can be found on the website.

Thank you so much for all your support. Term 2 events information will follow soon.

Karen Kelly

October 7, 2022
by gw13kellykatherin@glow

Events next week

Good Afternoon I hope you are all well!
As you know we have had a very busy week & we would like to thank you for all you kind words of support.

Our Parent Council have been amazing & have organised many purposeful events. We would be delighted if you would join us for some of our events next week.

Monday 10th October @ 1pm- Anti-Racism Inter-Faith Conference.

We are honoured to have guests from our local religious community visit and speak about supporting anti-racism. There will be time for Q & A’s after the speeches. Flyer will follow.

Wednesday 12th October @ 7pm – Public stand up to racism meeting. All Welcome to attend! With some invited guests.

Thursday 13th October @ 2pm – Audience with Anas Sarwar.  Mr Sarwar  will be showing his support against racism & open for Q & A’s. All parents/Carers welcome to attend.

Friday 14th October- Inservice day for staff then holidays 😁

Again thank you for your amazing support & Have lovely holidays


September 28, 2022
by gw13kellykatherin@glow

Volunteers required for research group

Good morning!

I have worked with Zarina over the past few years and she has been involved in many projects in St Albert’s including our Spring Fayre. I know that Zarina would be delighted to meet you for you to share some of your stories. This session will run over a morning next week. Day has to be confirmed.

Please phone the office or reply to this post if you are interested in taking part in this research.

Thank you


Zarina Ahmad is a PhD researcher at the University of Manchester in the department of Politics and the Sustainable Consumption Institute.
The research explores the sustainable food practices of Pakistani heritage women in the UK to see if mainstream policy and decisions makers are inclusive of their cultural knowledge. The research will be conducted across 2 cities Manchester and Glasgow.
The first phase of the research involves focus group sessions. The focus group discussions will explore what the food practices of British Pakistani Women ? what is their heritage and culture , and what does sustainability mean to them.

Date and Time:
To be confirmed
Venue: St Alberts Primary School

What is involved :
This is a discussion group with a max of 8 women.
The subject of the discussion is food practices, Pakistani heritage and sustainability. I’m looking for the opinion and views of everyday women so not looking for a panel of experts just people who are willing to share their opinions.

What do you need to bring? Each woman has been asked to bring along a food item, cooked or uncooked, (something that can be shared preferably but essential) which resonates or reflects their understanding of sustainability.



September 12, 2022
by gw13kellykatherin@glow


Good Morning!

A few things I need to bring to your attention.

Parent Council: I am delighted to welcome new members to our parent council & congratulate our new chair and vice chairs.

Chairs: Fauzia Saad & Uzmah Raheel                                                              Vice Chairs: Aasha Ahmed & Barah Al – Rahhol

Parent council information will be shared on the board at the front door.

Walking Bus Meeting: An information session will be held on Thursday 15th September @ 2.15pm. All parents/carers are welcome!

Charity event: This year our coffee morning will be in aid of the Red Cross/ Muslim Charity Pakistan Flood Appeal.

This will take place on Thursday 22nd September @ 9.15 – 11.15. There will be raffle tickets for sale from your child’s class and on the day. We are also looking for donations of cakes, biscuits etc.

September Weekend: 23rd September – 26th September inclusive

Parent Progress Report: This will take place on Wednesday 12th October & Thursday 13th October.

October Week: Begins on Friday 14th October

Thank you again for your continued support and don’t hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.

Karen Kelly

August 31, 2022
by gw13kellykatherin@glow

Home Learning @ St Albert’s

Good Morning!

Following a review in home learning resources we have created progressive whole school packs.

These will be distributed at the beginning of each term to be returned at the end of the term.

I have attached a flyer with more information. Click on the link below

Your child’s first pack will be distributed on Monday 5th September,  your child’s class teacher will direct which spelling list the class is learning.

Please contact me (NOT THE CLASS TEACHER) if you have any questions.

Home Learning parent information 2022

Thank you

Karen Kelly

August 25, 2022
by gw13kellykatherin@glow

Annual General Meeting

Good Afternoon

Our school Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 5th September @ 6 – 7.30pm.

This is an information session for all parents/carers in our school.

During this session the following items will be discussed.

  • School Improvement Plan
  • Priorities this year
  • Pupil Equity Fund spending
  • Re – election of Parent Council Members and invitation to new members.

There will be a creche available if required.

Hope to see you there.

Thank you

Karen Kelly

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