St Albert's Family Learning

Just another – Glasgow site

Reminder:Term 4 events


Welcome to our final and very busy term. Below are a list of events planned.
Everyone is welcome to attend!!
5th May Walking Bus for Families starts every Friday at 3pm
Aim: To minimise traffic congestion & pollution in and around our school.
          To increase physical exercise for our families.
          To encourage friendships and conversation between families.
Families will meet at the clothes recycling area and walk home together at 3pm.
Route: Please see attached Map.
We will begin our walking bus with only 1 walk home on Fridays for now, aiming for more days next term.
23rd & 24th May Primary 1 (Aug 2023) visit with parents/carers 1.30 – 2.45pm
Parents/Carers of our new Primary 1 children are invited to bring their child for a visit to our school. There will be an information session for parents/carers while your child gets to know their teachers on the Tuesday and another chance for the children to visit without their parents on the Wednesday. Please let others know. Thank you
24th May School Show in Tramway (evening event)
Our pupils have been working hard all year to present our amazing show to celebrate St Albert’s 50th birthday. Tickets will be available from 2nd May from the office. More details to follow
31st May Family Picnic 1 – 3pm
Bring a dish & meet up with other families for our school picnic… More information will follow from your child’s class teacher. 
6th June 50th Exhibition for families and EX pupils 1pm – 3pm
You are all welcome along with EX pupils and members of our community to explore our St Albert’s 50th Celebration Exhibition. You will be taken back in time to 1973, watch out for the cane! Tea & cakes will be available 70’s style.
8th June P7 trip
More details to follow
13th June Sports Day – 1 – 3pm
All families welcome to attend our sport events in the afternoon. As usual there will be food, fun & sun.
14th June Primary 7 School Prom (evening)
More details to follow
15th June Final Assembly for P1 – P6
All welcome to join us for our exciting end of year celebration where every child is celebrated. Time to be confirmed.
16th June Summer Family trip to Heads of Ayr
Information will be available from 2nd May regarding our family trip. Buses have been very hard to organise this year but will be able to offer around 90 seats for parents. Parents are also invited to travel by car. There will be an entry fee & bus charge requested for parents & younger siblings not at school.
More details to follow.
19th June Primary 7 Leavers Assembly
As always Primary 7 will delight us in this tearful performance. Time to be confirmed.
20th June 50th Celebration Mass
Please join us in celebrating St Albert’s 50th Anniversary with Mass followed by tea & cakes. All welcome!
Thank you for all your support and hope to see you at some of our very busy events.
Karen Kelly PT Family Learning/Upper School

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