St Albert's Class 2 2017

A place for you to learn about our learning :)

November 10, 2017
by Miss Hewitt

Important issues

We have had another busy week. Here are some of the things we have been learning –

  • counting to 100
  • adding ten to numbers
  • rules for taking away 1 and 0
  • the ‘ie’ sound
  • using connectives in sentences
  • answering questions about our reading books
  • why we celebrate Remembrance Day
  • different types of energy
  • playing different rhythms on different Samba instruments
  • performing our poetry

We also got lots of exercise at Linn Park and did some singing and dancing.

For our Arts focus for topic this term we are looking at important issues  as part of our learning. In Class 2 we have been talking about homelessness.

We thought about lots of different types of homes and how we are all very lucky to have a home. We discussed those who do not have a home and what this means for them and are going to be doing more work on this over the next few weeks. We thought about the difference between needs and wants and what these are for homes.

Talking about the different types of houses we all live in and matching different types of home to the correct name.

Sorting homes by their different features.


Thinking about what things we NEED to have a safe comfortable home and the things we WANT.


Have a lovely weekend 🙂


November 3, 2017
by Miss Hewitt

Halloween week in St Albert’s

Some of the children in Class 2 were at Blairvadach last weekend and have been tired this week but there has, as usual, been lots going on in St Albert’s!

Of course Tuesday was Halloween and we had a parade in the assembly hall to show off our costumes, then came back to class for a party 🙂


We  have been learning about connectives. They are joining words to add more information to your sentence. We made some sentences using 3 different children – one thought of a short sentence, then we had a connective and lastly someone else thought of how to finish the sentence.

We have been working on some freedom poems with Miss O’Hagan and thought about what freedom means to us.

As part of our celebrations topic this week we learned about Bonfire Night. We learned why it is celebrated and spoke about being safe. We made some collage pictures of a bonfire using lots of different types of paper and materials. We thought of adjectives to describe the different materials.


Have a great weekend 🙂




October 27, 2017
by Miss Hewitt

Some work from Term 1

We did  not post in the blog for the last few weeks of term 1, but we were still bust doing lots of learning!


Here are some photos to show you 🙂


Dylan – We were counting smarties and making them into a graph.

Huzaifa – After I put the smarties on the sheet I ate them.


Isaac – We were playing Helicopter Rescue. The lady says to us ‘Can you find the number after 26?’.

Gopal – I was counting numbers up to 10. I was rolling the playdoh.

Tylor – We were counting in French and made a French number line.

Gopal -We had our faces painted. Huzaifa – At Linn Park

September 14, 2017
by Miss Hewitt

Outdoor learning Week – Day 4

Today we created a bar graph of the information we collected and displayed in our table with tally marks on Tuesday. We discussed the title, axis and scale on the graph and drew the bars after transferring the information from the table to the graph.


In science we went round the school grounds doing a survey of things that were living and non-living. We found a huge ecosystem of bugs living under one of the stumps and there were even some snail eggs. We thought it looked like a bug party!!


This afternoon we had a great time at our Scottish foods picnic. We made cranachan in class and prepared Scottish oatcakes with smoked salmon and cheese. We also had Irn Bru (sugar free!) and shortbread. Parents were invited in to watch our learning this afternoon and Subhan’s mum was helping prepare the food 🙂


Mixing and layering the cream & oats and raspberries

Adding some crushed shortbread and honey to our cranachan before tasting!

The majority of the class voted thumbs up for cranachan!

Everyone thought the smoked salmon smelled disgusting! But 4 of us liked the salmon on oatcakes and had seconds! 🙂 Dylan thinks it tastes quite like tuna.

Huzaifa didn’t enjoy the oatcakes!

The Scottish food tasters!

While we were tidying up, a very rare Green Shield bug came to visit us. It must have liked the look of our Scottish picnic! 🙂

September 13, 2017
by Miss Hewitt

Outdoor Learning Week – Day 3

Our topic this term is food and farming and we have been learning about foods that are farmed and grown outdoors in Scotland. Today at our supermarket visit, we looked for Scottish foods for making some Scottish dishes for our  outdoor picnic tomorrow.

Finding cream and checking the label to see if it was from Scotland and also check the weight to make sure we have enough for our recipe 🙂 

Isaac spotted the oatcakes going down the aisle!


Hmmmm where could our next item be???

Found the honey too!

We continued with our work on information handling in maths today by looking at graphs as a way of displaying information. We collected different coloured leaves and sorted these into a bar graph and then labelled it and added the scale.


In mental maths we collected twigs outside and used these to make a number line to 30 in class to help us with our counting work we have been doing. We ordered the sticks and wrote down the correct number on pieces of paper, writing them down one each at a time thinking of the number after.


We have been learning about printing in art and have created summer trees pictures using sponges, lollipop stick and corrugated card. Today we collected some natural items to use when printing an autumn picture of a tree. They were slightly trickier to print with than the non-natural items! Our pictures still looked great though 🙂



September 12, 2017
by Miss Hewitt

Outdoor Learning Week – Day 2

Another busy day outdoors for Class 2!

We are learning about information handling this week in maths.

We collected various things we could find outside and sorted these items into a table, using tally marks to find the total. We then used the information to answer different questions using lots of maths phrases such as most, fewest and altogether.


In P.E with P6/7 we split into groups and played either bowls or rounders. We added a numbered target to one set of bowls and calculated who got the most points as well as who got closest to the jack.


September 11, 2017
by Miss Hewitt

Outdoor Learning Week – Day 1

Today was the first day of Outdoor Learning Week at St Albert’s.

Have a little look at what we got up to!

We went outside to practise our spelling. We hunted for things you can only find outdoors and worked together to sound these words out to spell them. Then we learned about lots of different active spelling activities we will be doing this term.



For mental maths we took our counting work outside. We did some counting in a group and then continued our work on ‘before’ and ‘after’, writing our answers with chalk, using our hundred squares to help us.



In our music lesson with P6/7 we created an orchestra using various percussion instruments. We played some of the one bar rhythms we have been learning in class in our different sections.


With Miss O’Hagan, we continued thinking about adjectives for our poem on trees we are going to write by investigating the trees around the school using our senses.


September 8, 2017
by Miss Hewitt

Linn Park 6.9.17

We had lots of fun at Linn Park this week!


Cleaning, sorting and reorganising the house


Getting great exercise – running, climbing and improving our strength in the playground and on the bikes


Singing and dancing to some favourite songs!


September 8, 2017
by Miss Hewitt

Our learning log

Here are some things we have been learning this week –

“I learned to write my name with rainbow colours” Gopal

“I learned to add counting on using my number line.” Huzaifa

  • “I learned about numbers before and after in mental maths.” Isaac
  • “I learned about living things in science.” Mariam
  • “I learned to use full stops and finger spaces in my writing.” Subhan
  • “I learned my 2, 3 and 4 times tables.” Tylor


We also started our topic about Food and Farming, did lots of reading and answering questions on our books to show our understanding and thought more about having a growth mindset and how it important to not be worried about making mistakes.


We have been very busy in Class 2 this week as you can see! Have a restful weekend 🙂

August 25, 2017
by Miss Hewitt

Our first 2 weeks in Class 2!

Welcome to our class blog 🙂

We can’t believe we have been back at school for 2 weeks already, summer feels like a long time ago now!

Here are some of things we have been doing so far –

Creating a jigsaw piece, all about ourselves, to show how we are all different in Class 2 but still fit together 🙂

Some literacy and numeracy

Doing a summer colour hunt outdoors!

Our first class trip to Linn Park Adventure – we had loads of fun!

Climbing, swinging, sliding, playing the piano, playing badminton, playing in the outdoor house, enjoying the sensory room to name a few!


Some of us played bowls in class and celebrated the winners 🙂








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