Healthy Eating
In line with ‘Setting the Table’ Nutritional guidance and food standards, GCC is responding positively to recommendations by addressing the dietary needs of children through a range of healthy eating initiatives. At Royston Nursery we are committed to encouraging healthy eating habits and healthy lifestyles.
- Ensure food plays a positive role in improving health
- To ensure nutritional standards are maintained
- Support Children’s development through CFE health & wellbeing learning outcomes
- To encourage an active and fun based eating and physical experiences
- To encourage children to eat and identify healthy food groups
- To inform parents and carers of health initiatives
- To offer healthy balanced snack choices
- To promote healthy lifestyles
- To encourage independence and choice
- To encourage the principles of healthy eating, oral hygiene and personal hygiene.
- Children will be offered a healthy choice at snack including fruit
- We will offer full fat milk and/or plain water to drink. Food for all celebrations will be balanced for fun and health
- Those involved in the preparation of snack/food will follow hygiene guidelines
- Snack will be bought with consideration given to fair trade food as part of our Eco Friendly Nursery programme.
- The weekly snack and lunch menu will be on display on health wall
- The weekly menu will provide children with a varied and healthy diet
- All children will be offered suitable foods, this will include children with special dietary requirements and allergies
- Snack bar will be presented with menus to support children’s literacy in this area
- Parent/carers will be advised if the child is not eating well
- Keyworkers will sit at lunch with children while they eat and will provide good role model for healthy eating
- Children will be encouraged to develop good eating skills and table manners and will be given plenty of time to eat
- Staff will supervise snack bar within the room and promote independence skills
- Children to assist in showing new children how snack is done
Monitor and Evaluate
This policy will be monitored and evaluated and when necessary reviewed in with the school’s policy on monitoring and evaluation