
Between Aug and Dec, pupils in s2 pupils get 1 period of technical a week. During this time, you will either be in a workshop or classroom working on developing the skills you learned in S1. Throughout the year you will cover topics in woodwork, metalwork, manual graphics, computer graphics and design. 

Home Learning Aug-Dec 2020

If you are self isolating at home, you are expected to continue your learning if you are well enough to do so. Below are a list of tasks for you to work through.

Remember, you may not have covered all of the topics listed below yet so only choose tasks for topics which you have covered in class.

S2 Manual Graphics Booklet

Metal Research Task

Graphic Communication

This section will be updated in Jan 2021

Design and Manufacture

This section will be updated in Jan 2021


Practical Woodwork

Mr Moore will be setting weekly tasks for S2 practical woodwork. This will be posted and communicated on teams as well as the school website. If you are struggling to access work, email Mr Moore.

All work should be submitted on teams in the assignments section.

Week Beginning 25th January – Task 2