

The purpose of the Drama courses are to enable young people to develop and use a range of drama skills and production skills.

Pupils will develop practical skills in creating and presenting drama and knowledge and understanding of cultural and social influences on drama. They will analyse and evaluate the use of self-expression, language and movement to develop their ideas for drama.



  • Responding to stimuli, including text, when creating drama.
  • Working with others to share and use drama ideas.
  • Developing awareness of social and cultural influences when creating drama.
  • Explore drama form, structure, genre and style.
  • Gaining knowledge of drama and production skills when presenting
  • Using evaluative skills within the creative process

We currently offer N3-5, Higher and Advanced Higher Drama as well as NPA Acting & Performance.


Revision Resources 

Visit West OS for handy tutorial videos on N5, Higher and Advanced Higher content (Glow log in required).

Visit the SQA website for past papers.

Visit BBC Bitesize for N5 revision resources.