Curricular Subjects

We are committed to providing children with a broad general education and focus on eight curriculum areas.

  • Expressive arts: The inspiration and power of the arts play a vital role in enabling our children and young people to enhance their creative talent and develop their artistic skills.
  • Health and wellbeing: Learning in health and wellbeing ensures that children and young people develop the knowledge, understanding and skills which they need now and in the future to help them with their physical, emotional and social wellbeing.
  • Science: Science and its practical application in healthcare and industry is central to our economic future, for our health and wellbeing as individuals and as a society.
  • Social Studies: Through social studies, children and young people develop their understanding of the world by learning about other people and places both past and present, societies, their beliefs and values.
  • Religious and moral education: Religious and moral education includes learning about Christianity, Islam and other world religions, and supports the development of beliefs and values.
  • Literacy & Languages: Literacy equips us with key skills such reading and writing. Knowing other languages and understanding other cultures is a 21st century skill set for students as they prepare to live and work in a global society.
  • Numeracy & Mathematics: Mathematics equips us with the skills we need to interpret and analyse information, simplify and solve problems, assess risk and make informed decisions.
  • Technologies: The range of subjects in technical education has changed significantly over the last two decades and now includes craft, design, engineering and graphics.