School Enrolment

Enrolment for Primary One

Registration of Primary 1 children takes place in November and is advertised widely in local press and in local nurseries.   Enrolment is now conducted online- see the link below.  Please use this link even if you have missed the enrolment week.

Prospective parents are welcome to visit the school and should contact the school office. Enrol is now conducted online – see the link below.

Information about catchment areas and placing requests can also be found at the link below.  Families living out with the catchment area are welcome to make a placing request to attend a Glasgow Primary School but must enrol their child online as a first step.  Further information is available using the following

In-term Enrolment

Details for how to enrol your child if you have moved house, are new to the area or wish to move your child to a different school can be found at the link above.

If you would like to visit the school prior to completing the online form, please call the school office who will happily make arrangements.

Further information on In-term enrolments can be found at