News from Performings Arts

King’s Park Secondary School Performing Arts: Music Department

I hope that you have enjoyed a pleasant Christmas holiday and are looking forward to a new term beginning. I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself as the newly appointed Principal Teacher of Performing Arts in King’s Park Secondary. I met some of you at the Christmas Concert last month, where I was delighted to see the range of talent showcased by our young people in King’s Park and I look forward to getting to know you over the coming months.

I am pleased to share with you that we now have a KPSS Performing Arts Twitter account ( and a website (, which we will endeavor to keep up to date with news, resources, changes to lesson plans and how you can support your child within Performing Arts so please follow us


Our school orchestra resumes on Wednesday 18th January in the assembly hall and will run from 3.45pm – 4.45pm. We would be delighted to welcome returning and new players to the orchestra. Performing with others not only enhances player’s musical skills, but also develops their confidence and ability to work with others.

Folk Band

King’s Park Fiddlers also resumes on Wednesday 18th January at lunch time in Music Room 418. Pupils can speak to Mr Halyburton for further information.

Glee Club

Exciting discussions are currently in place within the department on how to develop opportunities for our vocalists. Very soon we will be launching our Glee Club choir which will allow pupils to expand their skills of musical theatre. Watch this space!

Instrumental Lessons

For those whose son/daughter has been undertaking instrumental lessons within school, these have already begun with the exception of Upper String. We are looking forward to welcoming Emma Alexander on 1st February, who will take on our permanent role of upper string teacher. Please ensure your child checks the instrumental notice board each week, situated in the Music corridor, to confirm lesson dates/times and information on a change on the rare occasion of a lesson being cancelled.

As you will be aware, pupil achievement within the Music Department can only be enhanced by regular practice and attendance at all instrumental lessons. It would be very helpful if you can emphasise this to your son/daughter, and ensure they attend lessons and practice often at home. In due course I will issue information on the Instrumental Parent’s Evening, where you will have the opportunity to come along and meet with your child’s instructor and discuss in more detail how they are progressing.

May I thank you on behalf of the Performing Arts Faculty for your continued support and please do not hesitate to contact me at any time for further information on all aspects related to the Performing Arts Faculty.

Yours Sincerely

Mrs Ali Preston

PT Performing Arts Faculty