Important information for parents and carers of S4-S6 pupils can be found in this letter from Mrs Griffin and Mrs Martin. Clicking on the letter will open the PDF file. Please use the links at the bottom of the page to access year group specific schedules for Supported Study.
Cost of the School Day and Disability Grants
The Child Poverty Action Group in Scotland produced a report entitled ‘Cost of the School Day’. This report draws attention to the financial barriers that may prevent young people from participating fully in education. Continue reading “Cost of the School Day and Disability Grants”
BAE STEM challenge winners
As one of the schools in partnership with BAE Systems, we were invited to take part in a ‘Girls into engineering’ event. The girls completed a practical STEM challenge to ‘Construct a Crane’ Continue reading “BAE STEM challenge winners”
Apprenticeship Week – Parent Sessions
Fully Funded Student Places – The Wilderness Foundation
We are now accepting applications for our May and June 2017 Imbewu programme, this is a fully funded programme and particularly suited to students aged 14 – 17 years, with an interest In a career in the outdoors or rural sector. More details about the programme can be found here. Continue reading “Fully Funded Student Places – The Wilderness Foundation”
Education Scotland – News for Parents and Carers
St Patrick’s Day Treat – An Intergenerational Community Event Led by S3 Pupils – 17 March 2017
Dear Parents and Carers,
Since 1980, Notre Dame High School have been inviting approx. 150 senior citizens to a community event at this time of year, it is called The St. Patrick’s Day Treat.
It is a truly pupil led event with our S3 pupils getting involved in a number of ways:
Recent press speculation letter
Respect for our local area
Mrs Dunn and a group of our S2 pupils braved the elements to work within our local community last week. The girls worked together in the spirit of service to others to tidy local streets near the school. We continue to work with local residents associations to try to secure additional disposal facilities on the route from Byres Road. Pupils will continue to be present in the local community. Please say hello if you see our girls out and about on their next patrol.
Senior Phase Options Conference
Pupils, parents and carers are invited to attend our annual Senior Phase Options Conference on Thursday 2nd March from 6.00pm until 7.30pm. Representatives of universities, colleges and apprenticeship schemes will be in attendance.
Venice Trip
This a reminder that girls going to Venice should bring their passport to school this week. Please take your passport to Mrs Marshall.
Placing Request Application Form
We continue to enrol a large number of girls through the placing request system. In response to feedback from parents/carers we will continue to store a copy of the placing request form on our school website. The image shown below is a direct link to the form that parents or carers must send to Glasgow City Council if they wish to submit a placing request. More information on enrolment can be found on our ‘Enrolment‘ page.
Mrs Loch and the pupil Sports Committee run a Netball club in the Games Hall on Mondays after school (2.45pm until 3.45pm). All girls welcome.
Discussing learning with your daughter
Parents are the first and most important educators of their children. You can access a copy of the school timetable by clicking on the image shown below. This may be of assistance if you plan to talk to your daughter about her learning, either in advance of the next school day or as a reflection on how things went the previous day.
Mrs Barnet runs a Zumba club in the Small Gym on Mondays after school (2.45pm until 3.45pm). All girls welcome.
Website Migration
Thank you for visiting our new school website. As of Monday 27th February 2017, we will no longer update the old site. Throughout March 2017, Continue reading “Website Migration”
Parent Council Uniform Consultation
Thank you for participating in our Parent Council consultation on school uniform. We received around 190 responses and will now work with our Parent Council to reflect on the range of views expressed. More details to follow.
Communicating with Parents/Carers
We value dearly the role of parents as the first and most important educators of their children. At all times, we strive to maintain close and strong relationships with all parents and carers. There are several forms of communication that we use to keep parents/carers up to date with their daughter’s progress and the wider life of the school.
Enrolment Procedures
This post contains important information for parents/carers wishing to enrol their daughter at Notre Dame High School. Continue reading “Enrolment Procedures”
Our Business Breakfast
We are committed to working with a range of local and national partners to provide young people with experience of life in the work place. In November, we welcomed guests from a number of partner businesses, including Glasgow Airport. Glasgow Chamber of Commerce have uploaded a case study which focuses on our event and wider engagement in this area of school life. Click on the image shown below to find out more.
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday occurs on Wednesday 1st March 2017. Services will take place in school at the following times:
1.30 pm – S5/6
1.55 pm – S3/4
2.20 pm – S1/2
Parents, carers and members of the local community are welcome to join us.
Here is a link to a brief video explaining the ‘what and why’ of Ash Wednesday and Lent, from the history of wearing ashes dating back to the Old Testament, to the practices of Catholics and Christians during Lent (from the editors at and via SCES).
‘Digging In’ at Pollok Park
Families are invited to Pollok Part to explore reconstructed WW1 trenches at ‘Digging In’.
‘Learning Works’ at Kelvin College
‘Learning Works’ is a course on offer at Glasgow Kelvin College. The eight week course for adults will run three times between now and the end of the year. More details can be found on the poster at the bottom of this post.
Welcome to our school
As Headteacher of Notre Dame High School, it is with great pleasure and privilege that I welcome you to our school website. Continue reading “Welcome to our school”