This page will be updated regularly to contain the latest schedule for clubs and groups on offer at Notre Dame High. Staff run groups on a voluntary basis and as such dates and times are subject to change.
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There has been lots going on at Notre Dame over the first term and into the festive break!
Please see the annual Christmas Newsletter of 2022 below:
NDHS – Christmas Newsletter 2022
Please find below our Summer Newsletter for 2019. Click on the link or the preview picture to open a new tab with the newsletter.
The PDF below has all of the information regarding the upcoming Activities Day on 20th June 2019.
Please ensure that you follow the instructions in each event and sign up with the appropriate group leader.
Activities Day – Information (PDF)
Below is a picture of the Group Leaders for each event.
We are excited to share our Winter Newsletter with all!
Please click the link below to view what has been going on in the school this term.
As ever, Notre Dame is hosting a Christmas Concert. Please see details below:
Christmas Concert is Tuesday 4th December, (7pm) 2018.
Tickets will be on sale this week and next, lunchtime in the school foyer (£4 adult & £2 concession or £10 2 adult & 2 child). Tickets will also be sold on the night.
Please purchase soon as spaces at tables go quickly! Looking forward to spreading the Christmas joy with you all.
This year Notre Dame will be hosting a Christmas Fayre before our annual Christmas Concert on Thursday 7th December. The stalls will include, home baking, face painting, tombola, pizza counter, hot chocolate, mulled wine, mince pies and much, much more!
The fayre will run between 5pm and 7pm; just in time for you to continue the festivities with our Christmas Concert. Tickets for the fayre and concert will be on sale next week in school.
If you are a local businessperson and would like to have a stall at the fayre please contact the school on 0141 582 0190.
Our Netball club runs every Monday between 2.45pm and 3.45pm. Netball is a fast, skillful and exciting sport based on running, jumping, throwing and catching. Come along to further your skills and make new friends.
Please see Mrs Barnet for more information.