Our Partners – STEM Event

For more information on our partnerships please contact Mrs Marshall via the contact us page of this site.

Strathclyde University, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow Airport, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, Analog Devices and BAE Systems delivered workshops to S2 pupils to develop their skills in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Pupils also learned about possible career opportunities involving STEM.

S2 Arran Trip

On Wednesday the 20th of September, S2 are heading to Arran. The young people’s outdoor learning will cover all aspects of environmental sampling and help them progress to their John Muir award.

Information letters and permission slips will be given to young people W/B 4/09. We need these returned ASAP please (along with a payment of £5 to help us with costs).

Here’s hoping for a good day weather wise and a great day of science.

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