Parents’ Evenings 2017/18

Parents’ Evenings for the 2017/18 session:

S1 – Thursday 5th October 2017

S2 – Tuesday 20th February 2018

S3 – Thursday 25th January 2018

S4 – Thursday 9th November 2017

S5 and S6 – Tuesday 21st November 2017

Appointment sheets will be issued nearer the time. If you are unable to attend, please contact your daughter’s Pastoral Care teacher.

S2 Arran Trip

On Wednesday the 20th of September, S2 are heading to Arran. The young people’s outdoor learning will cover all aspects of environmental sampling and help them progress to their John Muir award.

Information letters and permission slips will be given to young people W/B 4/09. We need these returned ASAP please (along with a payment of £5 to help us with costs).

Here’s hoping for a good day weather wise and a great day of science.

P7/S1 Visit – Monday 15th, Tuesday 16th, Wednesday 17th

All pupils joining S1 in August 2017 should report to the school from 8.30am onwards. Mrs Henderson (DHT) is the main point of contact during the visit.

All pupils must arrive by 8.50am. All parents/carers must register their daughter and return a consent form for Monday’s trip. If you have lost the form you can collect and complete a new one during registration. Continue reading “P7/S1 Visit – Monday 15th, Tuesday 16th, Wednesday 17th”

Respect for our local area

Mrs Dunn and a group of our S2 pupils braved the elements to work within our local community last week. The girls worked together in the spirit of service to others to tidy local streets near the school. We continue to work with local residents associations to try to secure additional disposal facilities on the route from Byres Road. Pupils will continue to be present in the local community. Please say hello if you see our girls out and about on their next patrol.


Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday occurs on Wednesday 1st March 2017. Services will take place in school at the following times:

1.30 pm – S5/6

1.55 pm – S3/4

2.20 pm – S1/2

Parents, carers and members of the local community are welcome to join us.

Here is a link to a brief video explaining the ‘what and why’ of Ash Wednesday and Lent, from the history of wearing ashes dating back to the Old Testament, to the practices of Catholics and Christians during Lent (from the editors at and via SCES).

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