Our Partners – Apple Buchanan Street – Creative Industries

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Creative Industries pupils present their business plan to Apple!

‘As part of our project for Creative Industries class we have been developing our own brand of make-up called ‘Rouge’. We have created our own logo and branding whilst carrying out market research to ensure that we created a product that people wanted. As a result we created the Rouge Lipstick. As part of our presentation Nagoul, Treasure and I visited Apple Buchanan Street. We were given a task by the Business Team to present our ideas in the boardroom ‘Dragon’s Den Style’. An Apple trainer helped us with the software and we were given one hour to create a presentation.

Once we had created our presentation we were sent to the boardroom to deliver it in front of Head of Marketing for Apple in Scotland, Head of Business for Apple in Scotland and the Store Manager. Our presentation was a success and after some tough questioning, all three Apple representatives said they would invest in us.

Overall this was a worthwhile and enjoyable experience. It was an opportunity that we could not refuse. How many pupils can say they have presented a business plan in front of a billion dollar company!? Being in the Apple Store was very exciting for us and we really enjoyed our time.’

By Morooge S6


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