Dear Parents and Carers,
Since 1980, Notre Dame High School have been inviting approx. 150 senior citizens to a community event at this time of year, it is called The St. Patrick’s Day Treat.
It is a truly pupil led event with our S3 pupils getting involved in a number of ways:
- A ticket design competition – tickets are distributed to our local parishioners and the grandparents of our pupils.
- Our visitors are treated to music and dance performed by pupils
- Our hospitality includes, tea & coffee, sandwiches, sausage rolls and cakes – all made by our pupils in their Home Economics classes
- Our Assembly Hall is decorated for the event by pupils in the Art Department
- Staff donate drinks, chocolates and gifts to the raffle so that all our guest leave with a prize.
- Each senior citizen leaves with a food parcel, pupils donate food items for this.
- All of our S3 pupils plan help to plan and organise fundraising events to pay for coaches to bring our guests from the churches to the school.
All of our guests have a wonderful time and really appreciate the opportunity to come and meet the young people at Notre Dame High. Grandparents of S3 pupils are welcome to join us, pupils should see Mrs Henderson and a limited amount of tickets will be issued on a first come first served basis.
Every year we are faced with the challenge of raising funds to ensure we make a big success of this event, please support your daughter if she is taking part in a sponsored event over the next few weeks. I would also be grateful if you can encourage your daughter to remember non-perishable food items for our food parcels.
I thank you for your support with this event and as always, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me.
Yours sincerely
Mrs E Henderson
Depute Head Teacher S3/S4