Our Purpose: Inspire and support every child to be a successful learner, confident individual, effective contributor and responsible citizen, who is safe, healthy, achieving, nurtured, active, respected, responsible and included.
Our Vision: Provide a safe, inclusive, happy, nurturing and stimulating environment where children celebrate diversity and achieve their potential.
Our Aims:
• Provide opportunities for every child to develop skills for lifelong learning (Article 28)
• Create a nurturing environment which embraces and celebrates diversity (Articles 3,8)
• Foster effective partnerships with pupils, parents and the wider community to ensure a sustainable future (Articles 12, 29)
We are proud of the ethos of respect and care we have developed in partnership with children and their families, and we promote
positive behaviour through shared values.
Our values are:
Our Motto: Be the Best You Can Be!
Our Rules: Be Ready, Be Respectful, Be Safe