Literacy is fundamental to all areas of learning, as it unlocks access to the wider curriculum. Being literate increases opportunities for the individual in all aspects of life, lays the foundation for life long learning and work, and contributes strongly to the development of all four capacities of Curriculum for Excellence.
A Lending Library has been established by staff and parents. Children can borrow and return books from this on a weekly basis.
Talking and listening helps us to sort out what we think and is our main means of social interaction. It is through talking to peers, teachers and other adults that much of our pupils’ learning occurs. Our curriculum, therefore, offers a widening set of contexts for talking and listening, giving our pupils opportunities to express their own feelings and responses to other pupils’ thoughts, feelings and experiences.
We work hard to encourage children to write well at Knightswood Primary. The development of children’s writing is an important part of our Language Curriculum. Pupils’ skills are developed from the very beginning of Primary 1 in a variety of contexts and there are opportunities to produce all types of writing. Pupils are taught how to craft stories effectively through work on character, setting, structure/plot and genre. Punctuation, grammar, handwriting and the presentation of work is also given high priority.