Holy Cross Primary School


January 16, 2019
by Miss Greene

G’Day from Primary 7b

Primary 7’s topic this term is Australia. We have been learning lots this week about Australian culture and customs. In ICT, we researched different cities in Australia and will use the information gathered to create our own interactive journals about … Continue reading

November newsletter

December 19, 2018 by Mrs Marletta | 0 comments

Here is a copy of the information in our November newsletter.

As you are no doubt aware we place a high emphasis on children wearing school uniform and I appreciate your support in upholding this important aspect of our school identity. Our children look wonderful in their school uniforms. Well done to Primaries 2/1, P6a and 7c for having 100% school uniform. Classes received a ’bus’ towards their class of the month target for their efforts.

Uniform Policy

Girls Uniform

Green skirt/Pinafore

White Shirt and tie

Green jumper/cardigan

Boys Uniform

Grey trousers

White shirt and tie

Green jumper

Holy Cross P.E.  Uniform

Gym kit

Yellow polo shirt

Shorts (no football shorts)

Indoor shoes

Please remember – no jewellery on gym days!

All school uniform items are available at Trutex – 35B Argyle Street Station

Telephone 0141 221 4472

Please ensure your child wears a tie to school. School ties are available to purchase in the school office.

CONGRATULATIONS to Mrs Baillie and family who welcomed the birth of a baby daughter, Alexandra. Mum, baby and family are all doing well and ask me to thank you for your good wishes.

School Management Team Update

I am ably supported in the school by a management team as follows:

Mrs Marletta is currently Acting Principal Teacher with pastoral care of Primary 1.

Miss Collins, Principal Teacher continues to have pastoral care of Primaries 2 and 3.

Mrs Docherty, Principal Teacher, continues to have pastoral care of Primaries 4 and 5.

Mrs McBride is currently Acting Principal Teacher with pastoral care of Primaries 6 and 7.

Ms MacCormick is now undertaking the post of Acting Depute Head Teacher. Ms MacCormick has leadership for Primaries 4—7. Ms MacCormick is also Child Protection Coordinator.

Ms Collum, Depute Head Teacher has leadership of P1—3. Ms Collum organises and co-ordinates the provision for additional support needs across the school.

School Improvement Plan

In session 2018—2019 we are aiming to improve our school by targeting the following priorities:

à Supporting Improvement: Equity and Pedagogy

A 2-year programme to support and enhance effective teaching and learning

à Glasgow Improvement Challenge

We continue to prioritise improving children’s literacy and language skills

à Health and Wellbeing

Developing pupil understanding of sustainability

à Digital Technologies

Improving skills and access to digital technologies

à Responsive Planning

Developing a renewed PE programme, learning through play and reviewing our approaches to engaging learners.

Please read our enclosed Standards and Quality Report to learn more about our whole school improvements.


Mobile Phones

I am aware that some parents allow children to carry mobile phones to and from school for safety and communication reasons. All mobile phones should be turned off during school hours and kept in the child’s schoolbag. Mobile phones can then be switched on at the end of the school day.

Parents’ Night

Many thanks to those parents who attended our Parent/Teacher/Pupil meetings in October. We had 84% attendance from parents. If you were unable to attend parents’ night, please contact the school office in order to make an appointment to speak with your child’s class teacher.

Primary 1 August 2019

If your child turns 5 years old between 1st March 2019 and February 2020 he/she is eligible to register for primary school.

To register you should now complete an online application which is available on the Glasgow City Council website at www.glasgow.gov.uk by following the links for primary school and enrolments.

If required, paper applications can be requested by contacting Glasgow City Council on 0141 287 8000 or contact the school to make an appointment with a member of the management team.

Class of the Month

You might hear children talking about tokens/bus tickets or class buses. This is our promoting positive behaviour programme where classes and individuals aim to meet our school values and are rewarded by receiving ‘bus tickets’. Five bus tickets can be swapped for a ‘bus’ which is added to the class chart or ‘bus stop’. The classes in the infants, junior and upper departments who have most buses at the end of the month are the winners of our Class of the Month. Congratulations to P3a, P5c and P7c who won October’s class of the month and visited The People’s Palace as a reward.

Parent Council/School Joint Fundraising Event

The school Fundraising Committee and The Parent Council have joined together to host the first ever Holy Cross High Tea. Parents are invited to purchase a ticket for High Tea on Thursday 29th November. Sittings are available for 1.15pm or 2pm. Tickets will be available at the school office at £5 per person. Donations of food/biscuits/cakes are welcome to support this event.

Primary to Secondary Transition

Letters have already been issued to P7 pupils for families to identify which school they would like their child to attend. Our associated secondary school is Holyrood Secondary. If you live within the catchment area for Holyrood Secondary please complete the form and return to school. If you live outwith the catchment area you are required to submit a Placing Request form. This is also the case if you live u the catchment and wish your child to attend a secondary other than Holyrood.

Celebrating Uniqueness

Research tells us that on average 40% of children would hide an aspect of what makes them unique because they are worried about bullying. Nobody should have to hide who they are, their talents or uniqueness. Therefore on 30th November we will be celebrating uniqueness and combatting bullying by having an ODD SOCK NON-UNIFORM DAY. Children are invited to donate £1 to school funds on this day. All proceeds will go towards supporting our Positive Behaviour Initiatives such as Class of the Month and CURAMUS Golden ticket.

School Term Dates 2018—2019

Christmas and New Year Holidays

Schools close at 2.30pm on Thursday 20 December 2018. School will re-open on Monday 7 January 2019 at 8.50am


Dates for your diary



16th—30th—Catholic Education Fortnight please come and see our display of work in Holy Cross Church

21st/28th—Dental Inspections for P1 and P7 children

29th—Parent Council and School joint fundraising High Tea

30th—St Andrew’s Day/Odd Sock Non uniform Day


2nd—First Sunday of Advent

4th—Choir to local day care centre

10th—Nativity Dress rehearsal

11/12th  – Nativity Show time!!!

12th – Disco

13th – Christmas Lunch/Christmas Class Parties/Christmas Jumper Day (£1)

14th – Hopscotch Theatre Company

19th—Advent Service

20th—2.30pm school closes










Family Learning Club session 2

November 30, 2018 by Mrs Marletta | 0 comments

It was another fun filled week at our Family Learning Club. We were thrilled to see so many of you back and to have new faces join us.  Your willingness to give everything a go and enthusiasm for the activities really gave a buzz to the whole event. Our aim for this session was to provide ideas for fun ways you can spend time as a family that will also help to develop your children’s literacy and numeracy skills. We hope you’re using your book bug and read, write, count bags regularly and having a go at some of the activities at home. I am currently planning for next week’s session using your feedback and feedback from the children. There will be a lot of new things going on as well as some of the firm favourites that you might not have experienced yet. Either way there should be enough to keep everyone entertained!

Primary 1

Primary one had another look at ‘One Button Benny’ and had a go at junk modelling their very own robot. I really enjoyed listening to them discuss what shapes they were using to make different parts of their robot and explaining what the functions of all the added gadgets and gizmos were. It was really encouraging to hear the wonderfully imaginative stories they were coming up with based on this crafting activity.


It was also great to watch them in action as mini- teachers, guiding their parents through the blending, matching, sorting and reading games that we had brought along from the classrooms to show off. They were great at explaining the rules and showing off what they’ve learned so far this year. I hope you have managed to take some ideas from these activities that you could use at home.


There was a lot of creativity and excellent role-play skills from the group that had read ‘I am Bat’. I loved seeing the effort and imagination you put into creating your bat masks but more than that I loved hearing the expression and body language used as you took turns of being Bat. Some of the ‘ferocious’ voices had me shaking! Acting a part and playing with the story should really help the children add expression to their own reading.

Primary 2

Primary two also had the opportunity for role-play this week as they crafted their own crocodile puppets. These were used to re-tell the story of ‘Open Carefully- a book with bite’. The children were great at following instructions and using the model to work out how to complete this paper craft activity. It was also a great way for them to explore a character and try out different voices and parts from the story. Again, opportunities to role-play a character can improve fluency and expression when learning to read.

Primary two also had the opportunity to join in with board games and card games. It was lovely to see the money cards from the read, write, count bags being used. Look out for lots more maths and numeracy activities coming in the following sessions. It was also great to hear the discussion happening around the rules and instructions between families. I am definitely inspired to spend some family time this weekend around the table chatting and playing games and I hope it’s something you are all looking forward to as well.

The much loved baking table was back  and it looked like everyone was doing a good job of mixing icing, spreading jam and decorating biscuits. I’ve never seen such a variety of empire biscuits. I especially loved the ones that had been created to look like a character! It was great to see families working together to assemble the tools you needed, follow instructions and enjoy the end product. I’m sure there will be many opportunities at home to work together like this in the kitchen.


Primary 3

Primary three also had the opportunity to join in with board games and card games. I was impressed that everyone managed to keep their competitive spirit in check and take the losses with good grace. It’s very encouraging to see the children so engaged in such a traditional activity and using their problem solving skills to secure a win!

I was also delighted to see the amazement as children explored the Atlas, finding and sharing facts and working their way through the quiz. There is so much learning to be done from non-fiction texts like this. There are further ideas for activities using the Atlas on the Primary three reading key fobs as well as further questions to be answers.

It was Primary three’s turn for the play dough this week. The children crafted dragons after reading ‘There is no dragon in this book’. They discussed their models with their families and I was delighted to listen in as they gave detailed description of how/what/why they had made the choices they had. Some of them then went on to have a go at writing their very own dragon story.


We have two sessions left as part of this family learning club but there will be further opportunities to come in and participate in the life of the school next term. We are so grateful to everyone who has participated so far and we’re looking forward to seeing you again very soon!




Family Learning Club Session 1

November 23, 2018 by Mrs Marletta | 0 comments

Earlier in November we invited Primary 1 to Primary 3 parents to join our Family Learning Club and we were overwhelmed with the response. This initiative came about as we thought about, how to make the most of the wonderful Bookbug and Read, Write, Count packs that were being gifted to the children from the Scottish Book Trust.

On Thursday 22nd November we launched the Holy Cross Family Learning Club, which turned out to be the biggest family learning session we’ve seen at Holy Cross. We were delighted to welcome you all in and with the commitment and enthusiasm you gave to the activities. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

If you missed out on the club or were there but want a reminder of what was on offer then this is the blog space for you.

Primary 1

The Primary 1 Bookbug bag contains:

‘One Button Benny’ story book

‘I am Bat’ story book

‘Eric makes a Splash’ story book

colouring pencils

magnetic numbers


dry wipe pen

Each year group had a range of activities to take part in. For Primary 1 there was a comfy reading corner where we read and discussed ‘One Button Benny’ (spoiler alert- he’s a hero). Parents were given a keyfob with question openers on it to give an idea of how to guide the conversation when discussing stories.

Make time to read for enjoyment at home, find a cozy and comfy space, put away any distractions and share the reading with your child. Take it in turns to ask questions or make comments. Make full use of the pictures to find clues about the story and where it is going. Encourage them to read words that they know but read to them as well. Setting a good example or model of how to read is one of the most important steps.

Following on from the story the children had the opportunity to create their own Robot friend from Playdough and loose parts materials. They could describe their Robots abilities and appearance. This activity generated a lot of imagination, creativity and talking and listening opportunities. There are cards available that tell you how to have a go at making your own playdough and what literacy and numeracy skills you can develop at the same time. If you didn’t get one this week, let us know and we’ll make more. If they weren’t into play dough they had the chance to use paper and colouring materials to draw Benny and have a go at writing a description.

The children had to be careful not be captured by the Fitness ‘bots who were out to capture the lazy children of Earth and keep them captive…or at least that was the context for our third activity. The children were captured by Fitness’ bots and taken to a planet (large hula hoop) where they had to take part in a variety of exercises to prove they weren’t lazy and actually fit enough to return to Earth. They had to roll dice and add the results together to find out how many exercises they had to do.


Primary 2

The Primary 2 ‘Read, Write, Count’ bag contains:

‘Open Very Carefully’ story book

‘A Tale of Two Beasts’ story book

Finger Puppets

Meteor & Rockets board game


writing book

This week Primary 2 focused on ‘A Tale of Two Beasts’ . The children read the story with their parents and discussed it, taking turns to ask questions from their new keyfobs. There were activities and worksheets related to the story for children and parents to work on together.


Primary 2 enjoyed making theatres for their finger puppets out of ‘junk’. They used boxes, cartons, tubes, glue and a whole host of materials to deisgn and build these theatres. They worked with each other and with their parents and we hope you are all at home now enjoying many a performance from your finger puppet friends.

Our families also had a variety of board games to have a go with. ‘Guess Who’ was a firm favourite! We hope you’re continuing the fun at home with your Meteor and Rockets game. Board games are a great way to develop talking, listening, numeracy and problem solving skills. They’re also great for spending quality, fun time as a family.

Primary 3

The Primary 3 ‘Read, Write, Count’ bag contains:

‘Picture Atlas’ Non Fiction book

‘There’s no Dragon in this Story’ story book

Story dice

Ocean Commotion

Money bingo


The Primary 3 children had fun looking through the contents of their bags. They read ‘There’s no Dragon in this Story’ with their parents and went on to design and describe their own dragon. This gave them the opportunity to use their imagination and engage in discussion with their parents.

They also had an acitivity where they had to read and follow instructions to make icing and decorate some gingerbread men. This activity can be done in so many ways depending on your talents in the kitchen but the very simple set up that we had was very popular. Following recipes are a great way to have fun together but also to develop sequencing skills, comprehension and measuring skills. As if that’s not enough, there’s the added bonus of a tasty reward at the end.

Primary 3 also had a variety of games on offer. Many had a shot of Ocean Commotion from their Read,Write, Count packs and others enjoyed, pairs, snap and happy families (both the card game and the chance to spend time together).


You have all been so kind with the positive feedback we’ve recived and we’ve taken your suggestions on board as we start to plan the next session. We think there will be plenty more for you all to enjoy. We’ve also spoken to some of the children who took part and their feedback has also been very positive. When asked what they thought of the family learning club they’ve reported that they enjoyed junk modelling, ginger bread men, games etc. but their most very favourite part of the whole experience was having you, their parents, here at school. Thank you for bringing that joy to their day!

We are so looking forward to having you all back next week!






November 14, 2018
by Miss Greene

P7 Public Speaking Contest

A massive well done and congratulations to two of our Primary 7 pupils, Ahmed Iqbal and Rohan Gill, who participated in the P7 Public Speaking Contest at Holyrood  last night and came 3rd place. A fantastic achievement! Well Done boys!  

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