Holy Cross Primary School


March 26, 2020
by Miss Feeney

The Rainbow Challenge – Spread Some Cheer!

Good morning p2! I was looking through BBC Newsround for something to share with you all and came across the Rainbow Challenge. People all over the country are putting lovely rainbow pictures in their windows at home to help spread … Continue reading

October 7, 2019
by Miss O'Neill


The autumn/winter menus will be launched after the October break. For more information, visit www.fuelzoneprimary.co.uk 👈🏼

A massive thank you to everyone who has taken the time to complete our first parent survey of the school year. We are collating them right now and looking at ways we can improve our communication, make it possible for you to join in with school events and support you with your child’s homework.

If you haven’t yet had the chance to complete the survey we would really love to hear your thoughts. The survey is completely anonymous and can be found by clicking here: parent survey

As always, thank you for your continued support.


June 19, 2019
by Miss O'Neill
1 Comment

Escape the Classroom 🔑🚪

As a way of consolidating our learning of grammar rules in P5, we participated in a literacy challenge called ‘Escape the Classroom’. Inspired by ‘Escape Rooms’ in Glasgow, we worked in a small groups to solve 10 Literacy problems. Each … Continue reading

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