Holy Cross Primary School


November 21, 2018
by Miss Anderson

It’s been a busy few weeks in Primary 3C! We have been learning lots. We have been reading the ‘Owl Who is Afraid of the Dark’ and we have written fact files and created owl art work. We made food chains … Continue reading

November 21, 2018
by Miss Smith

Book Week in Primary 7A

The children completed DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) and a metaphorical book swap. They were discussing their books with their partner, stating why they picked their book and why they enjoy reading it. #bookweek#books4eva#DEAR

November 21, 2018
by Miss O'Neill

Multiples, Factors and Primes.

“Yesterday we learned about multiples, factors and primes.” – Irfa “It was fun playing the ‘Coconut Multiples’ on the Promethean board. I did the 11 and 12 times tables.” – Maleeha “I liked the smart board game. I did the … Continue reading

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