Holy Cross Primary School


P4c Weekly Blog


This week in science we have been learning about the skeleton. We have been playing games in science labelling most of the bones of our body. While we were learning about the bones we found out some interesting facts: the older we get, the less bones we have; adults have 206 bones; babies have 300 bones; your bones fuse together when you get older.

In PE we have started football training with a football coach. “It was so much fun!” “It was brilliant!” “It was cool!” “It was awesome!” “I had a really really good time!”

We have also been learning about the Vikings this week. We made posters to show the timeline of the Vikings. We put our posters in order from the start to the end. The king threw the Vikings out of England. Vikings spoke another language. We learned that the Vikings attacked different parts of Britain. The Vikings captured York.

In maths this week we had fun maths! We were doing division and multiplication. We made posters out of arts and crafts materials to show questions through strategies. “It was really fantastic.” “It was brilliant!” “It was the best maths ever!” “It was fun!” “I had a really great time.” “I enjoyed it, it was incredible!” “I had a great time with my classmates!”

This week has been fun for P4c! We really enjoyed all of our learning.

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