Holy Cross Primary School


October 31, 2018
by Miss O'Neill

Revolting recipe anyone?

The children have been developing their functional writing skills. As today is Halloween, they learned to write instructions for a ‘revolting recipe’. Some children felt proud of their work and want to share it with you at home so have … Continue reading

Our Primary 2 project management team!

October 26, 2018 by Mrs Marletta | 0 comments

Have you ever asked your child what they do at school only to be told, ‘We played’ or ‘did work’?

If I were to ask Primary 2, right now, what they are doing, they might reply in a similar way- playing, building, making, working. However by the end of their activity they will have designed and planned a construction, worked as a team to build that construction, tested it being mindful of health and safety, fixed any glitches in their design, and developed their original ideas into even more wonderful constructions than even they imagined. That’s before I even mention the leadership, debate and compromise skills they have also exhibited. They might be too tired at the end of the day to tell you all of that and resort to telling you they played but I wanted to show off just how much they have achieved today while working with Mrs McNaught.

More pictures on twitter @holycrosspri


October 4, 2018
by Miss O'Neill

Voting for our voice…

Today, P5A voted for their class representatives for the following committees : Playground, Enterprise, International, Fairtrade And Fundraising. We attended the Digi Hub this morning. The candidates used this time to create a PowerPoint to support them during the afternoon … Continue reading

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