Holy Cross Primary School


September 14, 2017
by Ms Shankaran
1 Comment

Active Maths in 6C

This week in Mathematics we have been learning about weight and estimation.  We estimated some food items and then used scales to check the correct weight.  We evaluated our predictions.  Enjoy the photos of us estimating and weighing the items. Posted by … Continue reading

Tis the season!

September 14, 2017 by Mrs Lamb | 1 Comment

We have continued to work hard at our Science topic this week – Planet Earth and Space.

We learned the word ‘rotation’ and how it describes not only the spinning of the Earth but its path around the Sun. We are beginning to discuss the word ‘axis’ and how that affects the changing of seasons as the Earth rotates around the Sun.

We learned the four seasons:

Spring – When flowers start to bloom and leaves appear on the trees. The weather is warmer but you still need to wear a jacket and be sure to bring an umbrella in case it rains.

Summer – The weather is hot and this is when we go on our Summer Holidays. Everything is very green and alive so we can wear our summer gear and go on trips to places like the beach.

Autumn – The leaves start to turn beautiful colours like red and gold. They fall off the trees to prepare for winter so we have to wear warmer clothes like jackets, scarves, hats and gloves. A lot of food is harvested so our supermarkets will be full of interesting things. We talked about why Americans call it Fall instead of Autumn (because the leaves fall from the trees).

Winter – The weather is cold and the days are short. We need to make sure we are bundled up and kept warm. Nothing grows and sometimes it can even snow!

To show their understanding of how the leaves on a tree change, the children created some fantastic season trees showing the different colours of each season. Here are some pictures of them creating their artwork.


The artwork was put up on the wall outside our classroom to show the rest of Holy Cross our fantastic work. Isn’t it colourful?

Next week, I’ll post about brag tags and how I use them in the classroom. The children think they are great and have been earning so many of them! I’ll be including their thoughts as well!

Onwards and upwards,

Miss Ely 🙂

This gallery contains 4 photos

September 12, 2017
by Miss O'Neill
1 Comment

What is Autumn?

P1a are learning all about weather and the four seasons. Today we began exploring the season of Autumn. We went outside and collected lots of different leaves 🍃 We painted a beautiful autumn tree 🌿🍂🍁 Check out our wonderful learning!

Welcome to the blog of Primary 7b. We look forward to keeping you updated on what we’ve been learning and the different activities we’ve taken part in each week.

To read the newsletter for term 1 you can click on the link below:

 Termly Newsletter – Term 1

We hope you enjoy our blog!

Miss Stubbs and P7B

September 11, 2017
by Ms D'Arcy

Welcome to Primary 5B

Welcome to Primary 5B, My name is Ms D’Arcy and I pleased to be working with Primary 5B this year. It will be a busy year. Information 1) Our P.E. will take place every Tuesday. Please make sure that all … Continue reading

JRSOs Announced!

September 8, 2017 by Miss MacCormick | 0 comments

We are very pleased to announce that Aisha and Kashaf from Primary 6c have been appointed as the new Junior Road Safety Officers for Holy Cross Primary.  Their first appointment will be to attend Glasgow City Chambers next Wednesday for an induction day.  Looking forward to hearing all about it girls…

Community Clean Up

September 7, 2017 by Mrs Leyden | 0 comments

In Primary 6b we like to look after our local area. We have taken action and have cleaned up our playground for the benefit of all the children in our school. We are looking forward to the Environmental Task Force to clean up our community for the benefit of all the people who live in it.

To Infinity and Beyond!

September 7, 2017 by Mrs Lamb | 0 comments

This term we are looking at the relationship between the Earth, Sun and Moon and how it affects our day to day life. We will be looking at how the Earth’s rotation causes the seasons to change and why we have daytime and night-time.

Last week, we learned the names of the 8 planets of the solar system using a handy phrase:

My – Mercury

Very – Venus

Excited – Earth

Mother – Mars

Just – Jupiter

Served – Saturn

Us – Uranus

Nachos – Neptune

The children created a little guide to help them remember and some challenged themselves to write in the names of the planets independently! Miss Ely was very proud of you!


This week, we looked at the Earth’s rotation around the Sun and discussed why it is sunny when it is daytime and dark when it is night-time. See below for some excellent pictures of creating our models!

If you are interested, please visit your local library when you can find lots of books and magazines about Space!

Onwards and Upwards,

Miss Ely 🙂

This gallery contains 5 photos

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