Holy Cross Primary School


The Highland Clearances



We have been learning about The Highland Clearances in primary 6. As part of our topic we looked at a map of Scotland and identified where the Clearances took place. We then studied crofts and drew and labelled our very own croft to show the different parts. We wrote diary entries to show a day in the life of a person living at that time and the struggles they faced. We looked at pieces of artwork which showed people fleeing their homes when their crofts had been burned down and discussed what was happening in the picture and how the people must have felt. We created timelines to show important events that happened at that time and in what order they happened. We also learned a song about The Highland Clearances called ‘On the Shores of Sutherland’ and then enjoyed working in groups to act out each verse.


We are enjoying learning about The Highland Clearances and still have lots to learn!!

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