Autumn trees using pointillism
November 23, 2016 by User deactivated | 0 comments
Primary 5b created these wonderful autumn trees using George Seurat’s technique of pointillism. Let us know what you think!
November 23, 2016 by User deactivated | 0 comments
Primary 5b created these wonderful autumn trees using George Seurat’s technique of pointillism. Let us know what you think!
November 23, 2016 by User deactivated | 0 comments
In Primary 4A we have been developing our skills in sharing our point of view with others and through persuasive writing we are trying to convince the reader to agree with us. We are very proud of our work that has been displayed.
November 23, 2016 by User deactivated | 0 comments
P4A have been working hard on exploring and explaining the importance of hand hygiene and our immune system through the topic of Micro Organisms. Look at our fabulous “keeping healthy” poster display!
November 18, 2016 by McDonald | 0 comments
November 18, 2016 by McDonald | 0 comments
November 18, 2016 by McDonald | 0 comments
November 18, 2016 by Miss Anderson | 0 comments
Another example of our work during Movie Making Masterclasses!
November 18, 2016 by Miss Collum | 1 Comment
We did it! Congratulations to all the children and staff at Holy Cross for achieving the Primary Science Quality Mark Award! Keep your eyes peeled for more info and pics from the award ceremony in February!
November 18, 2016 by Miss Anderson | 1 Comment
We made this animation using clay models. We took lots of photographs and played them together quickly to make it look like the models were moving!
Daniel, Reece, Aliya and Megan 7a!